Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Blind Item #4

The money laundering streaming service has offered free service to a mobile company, but is in for it now with a different company offering that service everyone will want beginning next month.


  1. Netflix/T-Mobile and Verizon and now Verizon offering free Disney plus services.

  2. I was thinking Netflix and Disney somehow, but I don't know how they're connected or the other details... I remember reading something about it tho.

  3. I read yesterday they are cracking down on multiple people using accounts. That's a shame. I have been sharing an account for years with my best friend. I wonder how long until they catch up?

  4. I have Verizon (only signal that works up here) and am not excited about Disney tv.

  5. Disney is for those people who just buy into everything that Disney does (ala the cult of Apple). Nobody else cares.

  6. I'm not sure Enty knows what money laundering is.

  7. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Tim Cook was just meeting with Obama in NYC so that could mean some kind of arrangement between Apple and Netflix maybe sharing shows on their streaming services. You would have to ask Satan for the details. He's overseeing those negotiations personally.

  8. It almost reads as if some is cheating in a romantic relationship!

  9. The Disney streaming is going to end up with more content than Netflix in a hurry. Besides everything under the Disney "banner", they also have all of 20th Century Fox, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Touchstone Pictures, Blue Sky Studios, Pixar, etc.

  10. Eh, Disney+ is self described as only kids' sh!t, adult stuff goes to Hulu. Since it's just kids' stuff I'd think youtube would be Disney+ biggest cellphone competitor.

  11. heffalumps, I almost read Rasputin in your list.

  12. Would be great if Netflix and Tmobile cut a deal. Sprint is giving Hulu now, but I'd rather have Netflix, once the merger goes through.

  13. I think this might be Disney+ and Verizon. I just read today that Disney has partnered with Verizon to offer their customers 1 yr of the streaming service for free, then it goes on to talk about certain content being "unavailable for a window of time" once the service launches.
