Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blind Item #6

This closeted former A list actor who had a chance to take over a franchise and blew it and does have a role in another has been fighting with his long time boyfriend. This boyfriend knows all and the actor can't treat him like he treated someone else in his life and expect to get away with it. This is the stuff you want to see break wide open.


  1. He's Renee now,Trish.😁

  2. Normally I would like to see them kiss and make up but it seems now he isn't such a great guy. And his new "manly" image is cringe worthy.

  3. What other franchise did Renner blow? hee hee

    Is it just me or is Renner boring the house? Perhaps he needs some gossip to make him more interesting. To me he's "just there" in the scenery. If he's there or not, doesn't make a difference. No lasting impression and surely not star power.

  4. I think he's made an indelible mark in many films. The hurt locker for one. i liked the Bourne movie he did, it made money, why the hate? Hollywood is effing him up some, but that boyfriend is looong term.

    1. Talented but has a penchant for ramming a loaded weapon in his loved one's mouth?
      Why the hate?
      Are you for real?
      The guy's going to take someone out Spector style one day.

  5. He was great In American Hustle. Don’t find him attractive at all. But talented yes

  6. I am with you Bliss Boo. And, definitely is Renner from the description of "blew a franchise" as it is usually his description. It is also weird he is A to me vs A-. IDK.

    I am not into comic book/ action movies so I am just like meh with him.Never think 2x about him either. I saw the Hurt Locker ages ago, but, I guess I never think of him because he is never anything I see and not really into PR photos.

    IDK. He is just boring to me. But, I get others who are into Marvel movies and what not.. might care. But, me. Meh. ZZZzz LOL.

    In the end though, I am sure there is a NDA with the bf/ and studios will step in on Renners behalf and pay him off to keep quiet. Or, the bf is telling his friends to leak to this website which you would think would be a breach.

    Idk...again...ZZZzzz on Renner blinds. Enjoy everyone else haha.

  7. What's Robb Stark's real name? Didn't he "lose" the Bond gig?

  8. Richard Madden but he is A-/B+. And, he is not very closeted when he is living with an openly gay man and was papped flirting with him. I am just curious who called the DM that day to pap him and his bf.

    1. He could easily be Bond. A gay Bond might do the franchise wonders.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nvm can’t be Renner he has Marvel franchise AND Mission Impossible franchise (I forgot about that)

  11. @ notthisagain,yes and he should have gotten another,as it made money.

  12. Which of them had stuff broken wide open?
    And I hope they have a good proctologist or sphincter surgeon.

  13. I think Jeremy Renner always reminds me of a Before rhinoplasty photo.
    And I speak as someone with a big ass nose.

  14. I’m in Lake Tahoe for the next month so I’ll let y’all know if I see Renner anywhere (he lives here)

    1. Enjoy your trip! 😊

    2. Thanks 👍🏼
      Hoping to avoid the CA fires before spending the holidays in Napa.

    3. Ooooooh, Napa. ❤️ I’m jelli! That will be amazing!

  15. Snifter-- his name is Richard Madden, but I don't think he's in another franchise movie

    I read this as Renner, too. That he didn't make enough impact with the Bourne series to take it over, and Avengers.

    I agree he is a good actor, and enjoyed the science oven scenes.

    The Jeep commercials are a No for me, though this made me chuckle the other day:

  16. Franchise #1: Superman
    Franchise #2: The Witcher
    Closeted actor: Henry Cavill

    1. I feel like I’m on Blind Gossip. 😂

  17. Hiddleston list JB role...HC like tween girls.

    1. Hiddleston my thought too. He lost James Bond with that cringy Taylor Swift Forever t-shirt or whatever dating stunt.

  18. Henry Cavill supposedly lost The Witcher series because of the affair he was having with the married female author according to BG. And, yah Henry likes them like 18 usually.

    Still think ENTY means Renner because the franchise he lost out on was Jason Bourne which should have been a franchise instead of Renner just starring in one movie. And, this is how Renner is usually described on this website. Also, I didn't catch the "former A" the first time around. Makes sense.

  19. Renner. He was supposed to take over the Bourne franchise but that movie bombed, and he was rumored to be taking over the MI franchise when Cruise eventually retired, but he couldn’t be in the most recent one, so that’s technically gone too. Marvel’s his only remaining one.

  20. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I really don't understand how Renner is considered movie star material. He must have a hidden talent seen only by casting directors and producers.

  21. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sorry I should have said leading man superhero type material. I get him being an actor, but he seems like more of a character actor. I don't get the new singing career thing at all, that he's really not cut out for.

  22. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Cavill is only closeted if the closet if full of teenage girls. I would not doubt he has been serviced by men when it meant a role or an advantage of some kind, but I doubt he's hiding being secretly gay or bi.


  23. Agreed. Jeremy is such a good, character actor but a heartthrob leading man in action films. Say what you want about Tom Cruise but he is a very good looking guy definitely had the movie star looks albeit very short statue. Jeremy has never had that heartthrob factor. I would even say the same about John Krazinski and his Jack the Reacher series. I can see him outside of Jim and loved him In a Quiet Place...but, action hero...didn't see it when I tried to watch.

    Henry gives off zero gay vibes to me in his interviews either. I am like you also...maybe he has gone gay for a role but sadly, that seems to be the norm in Hollywood.

    Now a bunch of the closeted actors on this site...whether they are or not...some I think are..some I am not so sure...I can understand in their interview mannerisms and even looks why they can be thought of as closeted.

  24. Troy-- I hope you have a blast in Lake Tahoe!

  25. Wasn't blowing it how Renner got the franchise gig in the first place?

  26. It’s definitely Renner because ‘the other person in his life’ is the ex-wife/baby mama and they’re now headed to court over custody.

    I for one don’t want to see this ‘break wide open’. I hope that Jeremy and Kristoff can work out their differences and live a happy life together. Although I do wonder if the fight is over the custody of Jeremy’s daughter. It was initially 50/50 with the wife, and now both spouses are fighting for 100%. Maybe Kristoff didn’t sign up for that; hence the fight.

  27. Renners baby momma is complaining of all the gash he brings around their kid hes either bi or cdan grasping at gay vibe straws..

  28. At one point Renner was in talks to take over Mission Impossible franchise and also the Bourne franchise. Whatever happened!!!
