Friday, October 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 6, 2019

Without that family war protection surrounding him, this A- list rapper is having all kinds of stories revealed like the one where he was in his early 20's and sleeping with a 15 year old.

Travis Scott


  1. Now that's "Sicko Mode."

  2. Perfect match for a Kartrashian.

  3. Papa Kardashian an extremely successful attorney.

    Bruce Jenner an extremely succesful athlete.

    Yet none of the kids they "raised" even glanced at getting a college education.

    Dirtbag family.

    1. I agree with the overall sentiment of your post, but Kourtney is a college grad.

      University of Arizona, I think? I recently had to ghostwrite a piece about what each one of them did before they were famous and I was surprised SHE was the one with a degree.

      Idk if any of the Jenners have degrees or not. I think they were raised by their mothers anyway though, so it depends on how loosely you wanted to apply that definition of "raised."

    2. Rob graduated from USC .

    3. Fact check...they have attended just not all graduated and Kim's currently studying to be a lawyer...get out from under that boulder or get your info correct

  4. Doesn't this make you want to watch that broken knee clip on a loop ?
    Just me then?

  5. Thanks for the correction.

  6. Thank goodness the Kartrashians didnt try and bribe their spawn into education they didnt qualify for.

    1. Idk. Still wondering how Kim is studying law?!

  7. @J, With their publicity and altered bodies they didn't need to go to college to get a MRS degree. Except for Kourtney, yes Kellikopt, she needed all the help she could get.

  8. @Sd, It's all cool, he was on the rowing team. ;)

  9. Pretty sure U of A is the biggest party school in the nation next to Chico lol. At least on the West coast

  10. Yep, that's the one Klaus the goldfish goes to on American dad

  11. Kim is NOT studying to be a lawyer...CA has an apprentice program that allows people to work under a licensed attorney in lieu of going to law school.

    Not defending Travis Scott, but I'm sure that when you displease the Kartrashians, they smear your name. They've done that with every guy they've cast aside.
