Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 2, 2019

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is out doing press right now and comes from an acting family makes his actress girlfriend tell him thank you every time he kisses her or has sex with her because he says she should treat it as a privilege.

Joaquin Phoenix/Rooney Mara


  1. She could, you know stop seeing him if she has objections to this ritual, just a thought on my part!

  2. She thinks he will make her a big star so she’s willing to be humiliated by him to get there? Anyway she’s an idiot.

  3. Being born in Puerto Rico doesn't equal "foreign born."

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey, she could be down with all of this... Dom/Sub can be hot if done right. *wink*

  6. So he was playing himself in the Joker movie.

  7. Not foreign born. Puerto Rico is part of the United States.

  8. Had a to google a photo of her and I feel like maybe he's not entirely wrong?

  9. Leto is going to have to come up with something worse than this. Maybe the Casey Affleck thing? And agree with @Chillax, something is up with her choices in men.

  10. Didn't know who she was so I googled. He's correct.

  11. It is probably more of his method acting BS. Really? I doubt he'd do that. Or maybe it is some sex game with them. Aren't the Mara girls like uber rich and served up their careers? Maybe he is teaching her some humility or it is some odd thing between them.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    It's hot as long as she's into it as well. I've never seen the attraction to her. She does try though so good on her. She's just lucky she's rich AF and was able to bypass the usual Hollywood meat grinder.

  13. He comes off as so shy and humble, I'd hate to think that's an act. I'm hoping those saying it might be some agreed upon kink between them are right. Otherwise, she needs to hit the road.

  14. Anonymous11:36 AM

    So I googled Roony Mara nude and looked at a couple of dozen nudes of her. I would be the one thanking her for sex.

    1. I looked at a couple of dozen nudes of her a couple of hundred times each.

  15. Rooney and Tom Hiddleston were separated at birth.

  16. Fuck her she was so entitled giving an interview how beneath her it was to do a Law & Order episode and a horror movie starting out. You rich trust fund twat, 99% of actors are out of work and would be grateful for those roles.

    good for him I say.

  17. I give her credit for actually working since her family is rich as hell and she could just go the trust baby route, but she must have very low self esteem to put up with him, sad! Plus we all know his sister is extremely jealous!

  18. LOL because I like JP so much I am going to choose to believe it is some kinky sex game. But, can you imagine living with a method actor? That has to be hard.

    ANd, I had no idea she complained about Law and Order role. I hate it when actors and actresses do that because just as you mentioned most actors are not working and would kill for any part on tv/ movies at all.

    Kirsten Duntz irritated me lately when she was complaining about how she is a serious actress and not the girl from Bring It on. She seemed so whiney to me because 99% of all actresses would have loved to have starred in Bring It On and she seemed ungrateful to me. Oh well.

  19. Oh wait, it's the untalented Mara sister, yeah she should be thanking him.

  20. IMO, this is a mutual game (and I’m sure it’s not every time.) Good for them. Keeps things interesting!

  21. “Thanks for that hair-lipped thrusting, Joe, you truly gifted me”. Lol, what a dick. Either of them that is, and not his appendage.

  22. They might be a perfect match. Who knows what she demands?

  23. Like I said on the first time around:
    Either a werid JOKE (The man is a real life Joker) or a Sex thing.
    Either way sounds it works for both of them.
    People are into strange shit sometime.
    Don`t care, Consenting adults.

  24. Joaquin seems like a method acting nut....Perhaps he is practicing to play the role of Keith Raniere!

  25. He's an ugly fucker. I'd call it a toss up.

  26. He's a mystery to me. Couldn't make out whatsoever what he's into. Something seems odd about that couple to me though. He seemed to be closer to other women he dated before. Are they really gonna get married?? Maybe it's just a destraction and he's still seeing other women. Who knows.
