Saturday, October 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 9, 2019

The A list singer solo and in a group who really is not that great of a singer, but is good on reality television knows she was the fourth person asked to accept an award she is about to receive, right? The other three turned it down.

Gwen Stefani/Fashion Icon Award People's Choice Awards


  1. Why would you turn it down?

  2. @Dark Star - because the People's Choice Awards are lame. Yes, they all are to varying degrees, but this is a lower tier of award show.

  3. You think she's GOOD on reality tv??? Mon dieu.

  4. Wow, she's crappy on reality tv. I am NO NO DOUBT fan but I did see them once live and Gwen put on a Madonna caliber performance with theatrics, dance, athletic moves. And dear God the woman is aging like she sold her soul to the devil but her whole Blake Shelton faux-mance is so gross.

  5. let me guess "people's choice" is anything but that?

    A bit like reality TV is totally fake.

  6. @kiki, she sold her soul to a plastic surgeon years ago, when she got her breast implants after she started dating the Bush man (she was flat as a board before). I give her props as they are nicely done and still small, and not flotations devices. However, she's starting to go a bit overboard with the fillers. At some angles, she is getting that frozen, puffy Nicole Kidman face.
    I saw No Doubt play before they were ever famous. They performed at my college in SoCal during a festival, so a free concert. Everyone was pretty excited as they were well known locally, but I had never heard of them. To be honest, I thought they were ridiculous. Her vocals were so shrill and tonally strange as they were still in full blown ska mode. And the way she jumped, gyrated and slithered all over the stage like a gymnastic tournament, I felt embarrassed for her. The crowds/fans loved it though, and that is all that really matters.

  7. To say Gwen is not that great a singer solo or group is just being petty. She inteoduced a style of music few new about. Her L.A.M.B line is fantastic and defines who she is as a person.

  8. Gwen gooood Voice judge fodder? Primp-assing around wid Blake, ya mean? Panting to go shopping, showing off her sexy religious fabulousness? Fiddlesticks.

  9. Gwen actually has a style. Who were the three that turned it down?

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    It's not being petty Blake Shelton wouldn't allow Gwen on his holiday show because she couldn't sing. I remember the blind Enty wrote about it.

  11. It is true Gwen has cultivated her own style (I like it) and remained pretty true to it over the years. If people are handing out awards for that I'd say she deserves one.
