Friday, October 11, 2019

Four For Friday - Worse Than I Thought

So, that disgraced director who is forced to live overseas even though he should be in jail was at an event two weeks ago. Someone asked him about his legal troubles and then he started rambling on about how nothing ever happened to this former A+ list mostly movie actor turned worst Hollywood dad of all time. Apparently the two of them used a very young and underage celebrity offspring of, an at that time A- lister to pick up other underage girls. The offspring would often join them in bed with the other girl or girls. The director said that he didn't know how old they were, but considering who was doing the picking up, they were probably in their tweens or teens. He said that no one cared back then and why was he suffering and no one else is. 


  1. Polansk/ Ryan o Neal/Melanie Griffith

    1. +1 MD on all accounts

    2. Tatum was also involved in this mess. Tippi also probably knew. Just sad.

  2. The Melanie Griffth/Tatum O'Neal thing again?

  3. Can someone just push this guy across a border into a country we do have an extradition treaty with?

  4. Gross. He was just like Manson, a fucking pimp and user of women.

  5. So, it is the victim's fault?

    What an as......!

  6. And Meryl Streep praises this creep at the Oscars...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Too bad he wasn't home alone when those people came knocking.

    1. Totally agree with you here. No bettermthan Manson himself.

    2. No better than!!!!

  9. @MyDog, Meryl Streep is a scumbag who never met a predator she didn't like.

  10. I can't even watch Big Little Lies season 2 because she is in it.

  11. Wait I have the answer to this- Polanski, you piece of sh*t, you are suffering coz you are a FUCK*NG RAPIST! Got that?

  12. Agree 100% with Polanski, O’Neil, Melanie Griffith guess.

  13. @Brayson87 Agree 100%

  14. Agreed with Polanski, Ryan, and Melanie.

  15. I read once that James Caan did exactly what Bill Cosby did in the 1970's, also aided and abetted by Hefner, but there has never been anything coming out about him. I wonder if that shoe will ever drop.

  16. Actually he is right. We should make sure they are exposed and charged if possible. The funny thing is if he served time, it would be almost forgotten. No one call Mike Tyson a rapist anymore.

  17. @Do Tell Did you know that Hefner was CIA that got blackmail material on all of Hollywood ???

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @MyDogSmiles, I don't know about CIA,but would have plenty of blackmail material available to them and others. And he did destroy things to protect many. Supposedly a Hmmmm knows of this blackmail material.

  20. @Guesser No shit !!!

  21. At least Tyson has the excuse of multiple head traumas for his craziness. Polanski is just gross and probably also a satanist.

  22. "Brayson87 said...
    I can't even watch Big Little Lies season 2 because she is in it." Only justice the hollywood elites seem to have coming to them is at the box office.But since their handlers worship money, that is something.Bill Cosby doesn't count being black and all. I am really seeing a difference in black rapists and white pedophiles in the US Just Us system.

  23. Roman Polanski and Ryan O'Neal

  24. @molly, If you really want to vomit then look at the difference in enforcement and punishment between white collar and other types of crime.

  25. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Polanski, Ryan O'Neal and Melanie Griffith.
    He does have a point. Everybody was doing it at the time and nobody thought twice about it.
    Stop typing. I didn't say I approved. I said everyone was doing it, which is why there are so many damaged boomers, especially female boomers, walking around today barely functional and still trying to hang on to their youth. The permissiveness of the 60s and 70s hurt a lot of people.
    Still nothing compared to what we are seeing from the Gen X who usually die before they make it to elderly. Millennials are going to be even more damaged. It's just sad. We all need Jesus, whether we believe in him or not, we need him.

  26. Anonymous11:06 AM

    This is why we don't see all of the "living legends" like Caan, Nicholson, Douglas or Douglas being constantly honored and accoladed as they should be for their bodies of work. They don't want to be examined too closely.

  27. @Brayson87:

    "I can't even watch Big Little Lies season 2 because she is in it."


  28. O'Neal is human trash and should probably be in jail too, but Polanski got caught.

  29. I'd bet that ryan oneal is just as bad,if not worse, than polanski

  30. What about Jack Nicholson for the A+ er?? See Ryan O’Neil as the A- parent.

  31. @MissDavie - agree.
    Everyone was doing it. Doesn't make it right but it happened.
    GenXers off themselves because even the "normal" people saw their parents doing all kinds of heinous, weird "feel good" shit - and had to take care of themselves when no one bothered to cook dinner. At 20 - they were already exhausted from having been the "adults" for 15 years....

  32. The blind is about as fake as the one about Polanski and De Niro...

    Does anyone really believe that Roman Polanski, who's 86 by the way, wouldn't stop the conversation with strangers at a random event if they mentioned his legal troubles? And he would be extremely stupid to incriminate another celebrity in other statutory rapes, while confessing new crimes of his. "Well, yeah, I've paid an extremely high price. But you know what's shocking? That nothing has happened to my good pal Ryan O'Neal. He had sex with the same underage girls as me, you know, the ones nobody so far has talked about, and even with more of them. What a pig! The guy wouldn't share..."

    Polanski is a pervert and a creep, but he's not that stupid. This blind item is custom made for morons.

    1. @aquagirl. i did not realize he was 86 but the truth is, they have no filter. They say whatever it is and do not take it back. Thinking about incriminating Asshole Oneal is an afterthought. he deserves every negative word said about him along with Wrinkles Griffith.

  33. @MissDavie, Everyone was drugging and raping 13 year olds under the guise of a magazine photo shoot?
    This wasn't some groupie thing or party. No Polanski's future is a cell for a reason. Either in this world or the next.

  34. Awww no one cared, these are human beings not drugs, Roman.

  35. This came up when I googled.

  36. I grew up in that era and was a teenaged female rock and roll lead guitarist (rare as a unicorn in the days of 1970's Cock Rock). What MISS DAVIE says is true, it was a VERY different time then. I was 11 when a station manager of a rock radio station cornered me after an interview and forced me to give him a hand job. By 15 I had had extensive sexual experiences with both genders and a male-to-female Transexual. I partied in bars with rock stars who in their 20's-30's were having it off with 13 year olds. I had a drug habit to make Keith Richards blush by 19 (never did alcohol as that makes people truly awful to be around). Lots of sex, drugs, rock n Roll, violence, occult religions, far-Left politics it was all in the mix. Being based in Los Angeles/San Francisco I saw nearly every perversion known to (wo)man. It was sordid and tawdry and we all had a great time . . . until it wasn't so great and everything collapsed in on itself. Ryan O'Neal, Polanski, Caan, Nicholson, all of these men were known to be violent sexual predators (allegedly) and Roman was known to be in a Satanic Cult which was either The Process (Lennon was also rumoured to be involved) or an offshoot. Manson and Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys were in The Process. After Rosemary's Baby (virtually a documentary) Sharon Tate wanted out so they did not sacrifice her baby. Rumour has it that it Manson was paid to carry out the hit. People born after this time or were too old to be part of that scene had no idea how deranged the whole situation became. I am a teetotaling, Mozart-loving person now but the damage to my mind, body, and psyche remains.

  37. @Psychonomics I'm glad that you are doing well now. There has been too much talent lost to overdoses, and emotional/mental pain. Hugs to you.

  38. I get the Polanski/Ryan O’Neal part but where does Melanie Griffith fit in to this?

  39. Melanie supposedly was used pimped out by her mother- similar to Jade Barrymore, /Drew situation. Or Lindsay Lohan and her mother.Remember Melanie was underaged when she hooked up with Johnson, bi at the minimum. Sadly, she continued the cycle as an abuser when she and Don Johnson bedded an underaged Tatum ( set up by Ryan)
    What a mess they are

  40. Apparently, he still fucks very young women (under 16 I heard) that he picks up in bars in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, including his favourite bistro where he can be found dining almost every day he's in Paris. His wife doesn't seem to mind. No one else in France, either, although why anyone would want to screw that ugly little troll, no one knows.

    1. Who? So many names are being bandied about. To whom are you referring?

  41. "We all need Jesus, whether we believe in him or not, we need him."
    Gosh, honey yeah. I have a sticker on my frig that says -
    'When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky'.
    It's attributed to the Buddha, but yeah.

  42. Yes, it was a different time back then, the "swinging 60's/70's. BUT what Polanski did was still a HUGE deal, he had to leave the country over it, it was RAPE of an underage girl. It was a reckoning no one of his stature had to face THEN. Celebrity Just US at it's worst. You see with OJ Simpson, eight times LAPD came to his house, he got off every time until he eventually killed Nicole and Ron.

  43. @Mischi: Thank you for that information on how Polanski lives today in France. I don't feel one bit sorry for him, for how he ended his own career in Hollywood, by his own actions. Remember when he tried to "normalize" the young girl thing with "Tess" and Nasty Kinski?
    Like Woody, he will always have an asterisk next to his name, and his "career" will be overshadowed by what he did in his life.

  44. What Polanski did was chemically enslave a 14 year old (which was posted as 13 at the time).
    Removing free will of an adult is enslavement. Which should be charged as Human Trafficking if the victim is bent over or moved for penetration.
    Removing (with chemical or abuse of power) free will from children (or even Minors) is kidnapping that requires Capitol punishment if the child (under 21) is sexually exploited. But only after the pedophile/rapist is castrated publicly on Pay Per View, just for victim compensation of course.
    After 21 your on your own. Dumb enough to get roofied then the worse that can happen is the adult will die from poor life choices. Big fucking deal. Write it off as a drug OD and move on.
    Under 21 should be a Capitol crime. 18 and under must be a Capitol crime to let Pedowood know we don't FUCK with children because we kill 'em fast.
    This common sense approach is what separates feral animals from civilized humans.

  45. Anonymous9:09 AM

    @Psychonomics so true and it wasn't just in Los Angeles. Every city and town in the world had it's own mini version of what you experienced. I remember my sister and her friends starting around age 13 hanging out with much, much older men. and yes Brayson the older men drugged and sexually assaulted the girls with promises of something bigger and more glamorous in life just like Polanski did with his victim.
    I myself was an androgynous gay boy back in those days. I landed in Los Angeles ready for anything as soon as I turned 18 and was horrified to discover I was already considered "old" at 18. Seriously.
    It was worse for girls.
    @MeliticusBee I agree 100% the children of that generation of lost children were also victims. The had to raise themselves. I saw it. One friend who was a huge teenaged queen party girl could not give up that ghost and her kids both are damaged drug addicts for the rest of their lives now. Mom thought it was cooler to be a party mom than a real mom.
    The cycle continues and goes on and on.
    I'm so depressed now to see a new generation of gay men being lost to "PNP" culture. Also even the most strictly raised kids being lost to "Cheech and Chong" culture like it's 1972. The goddam monster won't die.

  46. Ryan O'Neal hit on his own daughter at a funeral as he came up behind her and didn't recognise her from behind.
    Doesn't even wait to check out faces!


  47. Hey Roman. It's because you won't admit to doing anything wrong and everyone still considers you a menace to society. I wouldn't let you dogsit, let alone be in the same room with a tween. I would be scared for both of them.


  48. A lot of messed up people here, who were drawn to other messed up people, getting even more messed up, and then claiming that "things were different back then."

    No, they weren't.

    Pedos were still pedos, though vigilante justice was somewhat more common, and going to court was less common.

    Most kids were not allowed to "play" with the adults. Today, children are encouraged to think they are "transsexual," and younger and younger children are being pumped full of hormones, and having their genitals rearranged. This is true mental illness, and it's so popular today, if you call it out as mental illness -- not just among adults, but even when it's adults pushing it on children -- the hysterics today (a huge sector of society) will start with the name calling, doxxing, threats, police reports, etc. Even the worst offenders of the 1960s would have been sickened by what's happened to society today. They've been through decades of brainwashing, so many of them think like younger generations today, but many more are still stable-minded individuals.

    The 1960s had a small group of hippies, but they were scorned by normal society. Boomers (Americans of the age to be drafted and shipped to Vietnam) were the first generation to be presented with drugs, whether that happened in Nam or on a college campus, and to have the idea of "free love" pushed on them. Most of them barely dabbled, and most got over that pretty fast, and, again, apart from recreational pot smoking, they were the minority.

    Those of you who made bad choices, and who had scummy parents who allowed you to make bad choices, my heart goes out to you. Children should not be alone around musicians (drugs mess the mind up to the point where people do things they normally would not be interested in doing), or movies (same as rock stars, but add the abuse many or most in movies have experienced, and you've got a recipe for the worst in human behavior).

    But you're wrong about pedophilia being more accepted back then. It was not. You were just in the wrong place, at the wrong age. And the small group of people who are "Boomers" are not messed up. Naive to the point where I want to slap sense into many of them, yes; but that's because they weren't messed up.

    And Boomers, stop reacting to the latest push by people who want you dead: there's nothing intrinsically wrong with your generation, and you certainly did not break the world. This idea of Boomers being wretched messes who abandoned their families for their own narcissistic fun is a new, made-up way to cause the young to turn on you.

    You don't need health care, since you ruined everything, so get out of the way and die. You don't need special facilities that cost your families money they could spend on fun, so just die alone under a rock.

    You're so naive, you don't realize this is PROPAGANDA meant to turn your families away from you. Divide and conquer. You're just the latest group to hate. Don't you see? And, you just need to die, before those of you with solid memories (and not just your own sad tales) start pointing out where the media gets historical facts wrong--on purpose. Please tell me you've noticed this going on.
    There are certain areas of history that the media reports incorrectly, on purpose. This has been going on for decades in some areas, but these days, there is a total revision of history going on. A lot of guilt being dumped on people who have no reason to feel guilty. Don't be sheep; don't fall for anything the media says. Stop the stupid.

    If you haven't noticed this, I'm not above slapping some sense into you.
