Friday, October 11, 2019

Your Turn

The celebrity death that shocked you the most.


  1. F*cking David Bowie

  2. Kurt Cobain's murder by Courtney Love.

  3. Or Phil Hartman, that was bizarre.

  4. Going way back, when Douglas Adams died, it was very shocking to me.

  5. Michael Jackson & Whitney Houston

  6. David Bowie faked his death-see him portray Jack Stevens on SKY-TV right after he "died"

  7. James Dean's fake car accident death

  8. Bowie made me the saddest, but I wouldn't call it shocking.

    Anthony Bourdain was probably the most shocking. Recently the death of David Berman hit me pretty hard as well. I wasn't a super fan or anything, but a few weeks before his suicide I randomly heard Purple Mountains' "All My Happiness is Gone" at a dinner party. It was so beautiful and melancholy that I immediately googled the lyrics to find out what it was. I must have listened to it several times a day for the next few weeks and then in less than a month I heard he had died.

  9. Prince fake his death -he appeared as his "sister"
    Michael Jackson faked his death -he appeared as Dave Dave on Larry King
    Stop believing everything the media tells you.

  10. bourdain. if i think about it too long i cry.

    1. Me, too, Boozie. I used to live in Tulsa and he came through there on tour. Not really stand-up (though very funny), not really a "performance". Just him up on stage talking about his life with a few thousand of his closest friends. I went and loved how personable he was, albeit his loveable Asshole-ish self. I loved how he painted the Tulsa bar/restaurant scene after-hours in such a spot-on way, down to the "never met a stranger" attitudes there. He'd been there before, always stayed as close to the airport as possible, and was always astounded how File and would just stop him or knock on his door and want to chat him up like he had all the time in the world and wouldn't at all mind sharing it with strangers. It was criticism, but with such a bemused fondness that it almost felt like a love story. I'm not from Tulsa, originally. Grew up just south of Chicago. But I fell in love with Tulsa on my first trip there (the exhubs is from there)and feel much the same way about it as he described. I was crestfallen to think he took his own life. He was a rare commodity in these days. A romantic co-mingling of wit, cynicism, humor, innocence long lost, yet freshly dredged up in unexpected ways as he meandered around the planet cooking. I often told people I believed I had missed my calling as "Mrs. Anthony Bourdain".

  11. There have been several over the years - Princess Diana, Prince, Kurt Cobain, Robin Williams, Luke Perry, Anthony Bordain. :(

  12. Bourdain was the most shocking of recent times. Hit me harder than any other celeb death for a lot of reasons, and still hurts my cold hard heart to think about.

    Diana was also shocking and hard to wrap my head around.

  13. Alan Rickman, Prince, and Phil Hartman. They all still hurt.

  14. Yeah, David Bowie. Amazing that he kept his illness a secret. The Next Day was such a fantastic record, so I was pumped to have Blackstar as soon as it was released... and then he's gone.

    What a volcano of creativity.

  15. Philip Seymour Hoffman. What an absolute tragedy. We never really had any clue what he was like; then one day, he was gone

  16. Aaliyah and River Phoenix.

  17. Prince. I'm still sad.

  18. Phil Hartman. Paul Wellstone. Prince.

  19. For out of the blue shock, I was up late one night when the reports of Princess Diana being in a car accident in Paris started rolling in. I stayed up all night, and told everyone when they woke up in the morning.

    Chris Cornell was another one that shocked me.

    Prince and some other deaths have stayed with me, but age, illnesses, or other issues have given a degree of understanding.

  20. George Burns also.

  21. JFK Junior was also shocking for me.

  22. Robin Williams. I mourned him for weeks. I still miss him.

  23. Oh, yes, the horror of Phil Hartman's death, and TOTAL shock of Steve Irwin's death. It was just such a random incident.

  24. So many, JRK, Jr., Princess Diana, Luke Perry, gone so young!

  25. David Bowie and John Lennon are a tie. Both were absolutely unexpected.

  26. + 1 @Do Tell. Those were mine, too.

  27. Britney Murphy and Heath Ledger. RIP

  28. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Amy winehouse.. I was so sad. I really felt she would be better and live past all that bullshit.

  29. Robin Williams really hurt. To know he made so many laugh and happy, but wasn't happy and struggling himself is sad.

  30. So many, but Debbie Reynolds on the heels of Carrie Fisher was a double shock.

  31. Phil Haartman.

    When I was a kid in the 80s, that would be John Belushi.

  32. Anthony Bourdain & Robin Williams (suicides)...Princess Diana (accident - ?)...Phil Hartman (murder)...and Aaliyah (plane crash). Aaliyah especially because she was so young, so beautiful and talented, had so much to look forward to, and the crash was avoidable if they hadn't overloaded the plane. What a waste.

  33. Princess Di, JFK jr., Phillip Seymour Hoffman, John Lennon,Prince.....Debbie Reynolds and her daughter ....Carrie Fisher was probably talking too much.

  34. Morrissey. It hasn't happened but I'm sure is close.

  35. luke perry really shocked me

  36. Mine was a local celebrity on the Gulf Coast and it happened recently. He created a morning show in New Orleans in the early 80s and I was hooked on it, particularly when I had a long commute that began at 5 am. I would listen to the show every day way before there were podcasts, as I had a little transistor radio I took everywhere. He never missed a day for more than 30 years from illness, as he wouldn't go to a doctor. He was absolutely hilarious. For the last few years I have been waking up at 4:30 am - old habits die hard - and part of my routine was to listen. When he died it was very sudden, he left the show one morning and went to the ER and I guess he was dead within a week. He had everything, but they never specified. ANYWAY it left a hole in my heart to lose a friend I never met after 30 years. We spoke many times and emailed, but I never got to give him a hug. :( His name was John Walton and he was a genius. If you are from the Gulf Coast, you probably have heard his work. The show goes on but I still get choked up now and again.

    TLDR I know, but it's an honest answer. It shocked me how many times I have cried for the loss of a person I never met. It's quite odd.

  37. Ask Asia Argento this question.

  38. Robin Willams ... still hurts to this day

  39. Diana, Princess of Wales.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Alan Rickman and Robin Williams.

  42. Morris the cat

  43. Princees Diana, Robin Williams and Prince.


  45. Anonymous11:31 AM

    John Lennon.

  46. Prince or Lady Di.

    Robin Williams' death was sad AF, but I knew he was bipolar, so suicide didn't shock me.

  47. River Phoenix's death hit me the hardest as a teen as he was my first big crush; Robin William's death broke my heart; and Luke Perry's death (even though after reading about his stroke and hospital stay, i kept checking for news of his impending death... i just had a feeling it wasn't going to end well), really saddened me. Many others affected me in other/different ways but those three probably had the biggest impact.

  48. amy winehouse. a great loss.

  49. John Lennon. At my friend's house disecting a piglet for a College Bio class and listening to the radio and that breaking news gutted us. No more dead pig mutilation it was weed, wine and lots of Beatles music into the wee hours.

  50. Harold Ramis. He always had such a sweet energy about him.

  51. Princess Diana, Robin Williams.

  52. Cory Monteith :((((

  53. Anthony Bourdain, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Prince, Lou Reed, Alan Rickman and Bowie.

    What a question to ask on a Friday, Enty. Going to go have a cry now...

  54. this may sound a bit overdramatic, but I dont think ill ever completely recover from robin williams death. i still dont feel that its real. i kind of had a private bucket list thought where I wanted to meet him before he died (he lived in the bay area where I grew up)

    its feels so odd to have such an *alive* and vibrant human being....gone. and to know Ill never see him, even from afar. it just feels devastating. we lost such a presence, such a talent. its heartbreaking. ok, tearful rant over lol

  55. Biggie Smalls or Anthony Bourdain.

  56. Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Glenn Frey, John Lennon. When Freddie Mercury died something like the day after it was announced he had AIDS shocked me.

  57. Prince, and then Bowie.... Bowie shook me thoroughly - I was just getting into his new music, and his video Lazarus still haunts me. I think I watched it a week before his death was announced. Since that time; I have become obsessed with documentaries that involve Bowie. He was my first musical love...

  58. I know he wasn't a celebrity, he was much bigger then that. Seth Rich.

  59. Jeff Buckley, the Mississippi claimed his soul :'(

  60. Chris Cornell and Anthony Bourdain.

  61. Diana and Phil Hartman - a lot of the others named had a history of drugs, crazy living, depression, etc.

    @momo Walton and Johnson was hilarious. I was shocked by John Walton's death as well.

  62. Chris Cornell and Prince most recently. Still smarting from those.
    River Phoenix and Brandon Lee were my earliest major shocks.
    Princess Diana.


  63. David Foster Wallace. Legit grieved.

  64. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Jeffery Epstein, NOT

  65. Prince
    Princess Diana
    John Lennon

  66. Michael Hutchence

  67. Robin Williams - still makes me so damn sad.

  68. Chris Cornell
    Luke Perry
    Robin Williams

    Shocked and crying over all 3.

  69. Aaliyah. She was only 22.

  70. Forgot to list before -- John Ritter, aortic dissection. Sudden, shocking, and so very sad.

  71. Not a huge name, but Mark Sandman, the singer and bassist from the 90's band Morphine.

  72. Joan Rivers. right after she outed Bwack Obama and his husband Michael.

  73. Heath Ledger. That one hit close to home cause I grew up watching all those awesome 90's movies. 😢

  74. Bob Crane , remember waking up to the scary news alert in the early morning and just feeling creeped out. Seeing Auto Focus cemented my fear, what a scary film. Second was Robin Williams.

  75. Amy Whinehouse first thought and Robin Williams .

  76. Tony Bourdain. I thought he had it all and I hate losing a friend. I can just now bear to watch his old programmes now that some of the anger has faded. Then I read about how he has pissed off the Hillary contingent and it somewhat made a small amount of sense.

  77. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Princess Diana, Prince.

  78. Prince. such a great loss of talent.

  79. MOMA, are you talking about the Walton and Johnson radio show host? Wow, he moved back to Houston after Katrina. They made my daily commute from Baton Rouge to NO bearable.

  80. Elvis a punch to the gut...several times

  81. Most shocking: Lennon.
    Most painful: Bowie.

  82. Several that are mentioned here and John Lennon.

  83. Prince.

    So unexpected. I thought it was an internet hoax at first.

  84. Someone mentioned Phil Hartman. Yes, that one was a huge shocker bc of the way it happened.

  85. Most shocking: Princess Diana, JFK, Jr.
    Most gut-wrenching: Bowie,Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington

  86. Cory Monteith
    Cameron Boyce
    Brittany Murphy

    I was just absolutely shocked.

  87. I'm dating myself but Marilyn Monroe (I was a kid) and Natalie Wood. Both completely shocking.

  88. The death of Marilyn Monroe, and as the news came east, I could feel that the truth was bring hidden. Right away I could feel that everywhere. I was eleven and had read a lot; always drawn to her and love(d) her.

    She was like a little fairy godmother to me, deep in the heart. I saw her as proof that someone could still live, dance and breathe and give so much beauty from every fiber of her being, everything that she could wrangle.

    Even though her early childhood handed her sexual abuse and a crazy mother, etc.and men who could never leave her be. In that way Marilyn Monroe was my only friend through a lot of years.

    None of the hard times ever killed her creativity. Just like I was determined to BE just that alive. I still bring her with me whenever I go someplace far, just so maybe she never feels so goddamned alone again. Now Ingrow older, and she is like a child to me, a 36 year-old daughter of my heart. thanks for listening, big hugs to enty tonight.

  89. Most recently, Alan Rickman. I still miss him. In the past, Princess Diana. I was up with a sick toddler that night, and had settled into a chair in the family room to rock him to sleep. I turned on the tv and the reports were just starting to come in.

  90. Abraham Lincoln. That was a shocker!

  91. Actually, I was kidding. Everyone south of the Mason-Dixie line wanted to kill Lincoln. So, no big surprise. Forgive my black humour.

  92. I agree with all of the above, Robin Williams particularly. I think the late, great Keith Flint has been missed.

  93. Princess Diana, Freddie Mercury, Robin Williams. I wrote an email to Sue Grafton, writer and she replied. I told her I was a great fan of her books and couldn't wait to read her upcoming books (still have her email). She passed away a few months later. Each impacted me in a different way.

  94. Ritter and Rickman

    @missypab I thought of Sue Grafton too! I loved all her books.

  95. Phillip Seymour Hoffman. What a great talent he possessed. What a loss for everyone.

  96. Whitney Houston- I knew she was in trouble but honestly I was blown away.

  97. Gosh, traumatic would be JFK. Heard it on the news after going home for lunch in grammar school. Went upstairs to tell my mom who was in the bathroom, she wailed. Went back for the afternoon session of school and told the junior high monitor and she just screamed.
    It was a BFD.

  98. Robin Williams, David Bowie and Prince. All equally shocking to me.

  99. Luke Perry and Robin Williams. RIP

  100. Michael Jackson for sure, followed closely by Prince.

  101. Princess Diana. I had a friend over and we had been watching Saturday Night Live, and for a moment, we thought it was a bad joke. It was really shocking.

  102. Jon-Erik Hexum, Freddie Prinze, River Phoenix, John Ritter, Heather O’Rourke, Vic Marrow. All shockingly tragic.

  103. MJ, Prince, Princess Diana, Brandon Lee, and Elvis. still can't believe Prince is gone

  104. JFK
    Diana Princess of Wales.
    David Bowie

  105. James Gandolfini and Glenn Frey. Both deaths were shocking to me.

  106. Phil Hartman and John Ritter.

  107. Princes Diana and Rock Hudson

  108. George Michael, a beautiful soul taken too soon. I will never get over it. Then Bowie.

  109. Cobain, too close to home.

    Bourdain and Cornell come a close second/third.

  110. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Princess Diana. She was only 36.
    The ones that saddened me most, were George Michael and Robin Williams

  111. Deaths that impacted me: Natalie Woods and Robin Williams.

  112. Princess Diana, Heath Ledger, Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain, Chester Bennington.

  113. Princess Diana, Farrah Fawcett, Luke Perry, Bob Hope, and my son. Not a celebrity, but a very charismatic, FUNNY, personable young man.

  114. I'm so sorry for the loss of your son Susie Q. I can't imagine the heartbreak.

  115. Princess Diana, John Lennon, and George Harrison. Loved The Beatles. JFK, Jr. was so shocking and sad.

  116. Luke Perry, Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams Michael Jack's, Heath Ledger, Princess Dianna, Kurt Cobain

  117. Robin Williams. Full stop.

  118. oh, and Grumpy Cat :(

  119. Rik Mayall. I'm disappointed that no one from the UK has mentioned him. Shame on you.

  120. Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Patrick Swayze, George Michael
