Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Blind Item #12 - Mr. X - Old Hollywood

There is a book being written about this permanent A++ list actress/singer with at least one A list offspring. The book is being written using what remained from a first book about the A++ lister written by her former husband. The new book contains a chapter about the repeated sexual assaults she suffered during the filming of her most famous movie.


  1. Replies
    1. /Liza Wizard of Oz

    2. Do you ever do anything productive with your time? Don't bother answering. We ALL know the answer.

    3. Why do you give a rat's azz?
      Grow a pair and post under a handle.

    4.'re giving us Unknowns a bad name Derek.

  2. Judy Garland
    Liza MinellMi

  3. Lolipop Guild passed her around like a doobie

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Oh fuck lol. Heh. Reminds me of a Chevy chase movie “under the rainbow”? I think that was the plot. The lollipop guild took over this hotel. I think Billy Barry was their leader.

  4. god, i'm sick of judy garland. and her little liza too.

  5. No wonder she had a f-ed up life .😞

  6. Lol @ Kristin/Derek. You. Just. Cannot. Stop. Psycho Kiki que’est-ce que c’est?

  7. poor kid. no wonder she was so fucked up

  8. Yeesh, is every childhood movie actually a nightmare?

    1. Yeah, really
      You seem to be dead on, unfortunately.

  9. The Unknown's need a guild, they're turning into a crowd of munchkins.

    1. Derek and the Dumb-unknowns?
      Seven Psychos? (and that's just Derek's multiple personalities)

  10. Man a lot of people who post here seem devoid of any humanity whatsoever. That poor woman. She was also forced to take prescription speed so they could get more hours of work out of her (Mickey Rooney as well) and keep her from gaining weight.

    1. She coulda left Hollywood and got a real job.

    2. ...or the perps and the pedos could be thrown out of Hollywood, into jail and denied any and all jobs, no? Somehow that never seems to be an option for you...I’ll bet you’d say things like “Jews shoulda left Germany in the ‘40s” “Blacks shoulda just run away to the North if they had a problem with slavery...”. You must have a really sad life.

  11. Debbie Reynolds, Singin' in the Rain. Kelly was a shit. She has a famous dead daughter, too.

  12. Eddie Fischer is the ex.

  13. Boy I loathe Count Jerkula's comments. She had the most ANGELIC VOICE of her generation and followed the path carved out by her as such, gifted, desire to be at the top of her field as ANYONE would. You'd have had her move to Iowa and bus tables at a diner? Plus all this is SO NOT THE POINT. She was already institutionalized into thinking this was how it was, her life, reality etc. You have to have compassion for uber successful folks who are brainwashed and have no self confidence. The studios told her she was fat, take diet pills, not pretty enough etc. HER norm, as the norm of say an incest victim, is a screwed up sensibility. Your lack of recognizing this says a lot about you and WHY are you here again? To make THESE kinds of comments?

    I don't think Reynolds is considered A++ though whereas Judy probably is.

    1. when she sings over the rainbow, it brings tears to my eyes and i don't know why!

    2. He’s a sick pedo.

    3. Plenty of waitresses with beautiful voices who wouldnt suck and fuck their way to stardom. Some people value self respect.

    4. Freebird kicks puppies and finger bangs toddlers.

      Look everyone, baseless accusations are fun.

      Freebird also worked the ovens at Treblinka, once cutting off a Jew broads tits before executing her.

      Freebird also enjoys eating bags of dicks.

  14. PS. and singing in movie and on Broaway is long hours and hard work. IT IS a real job. I guess if she was making minimum wage getting assaulted by her manager at some dive you'd feel something?

    1. Cry me a fuckin river. I work long hours at my job. If someone was fuckin me and giving me drugs, i'd be ecstatic.

  15. @kiki71: Boy, I LOVE The Count. Leave The Count alone!

  16. Deanna Durbin, who was at some point more famous than her, left Hollywood and lived for 60 years in France.

    And the blind is most likely some random crap. Judy Garland faced a lot of abuse, but from directors such as Busby Berkeley or from Louis B. Mayer, who'd always make comments about her weight. It's actually quite documented, and it already explains a lot.

    Berkeley was indeed a certified piece of shit, who'd put his actors in danger. He's mostly remembered today for his choreographies that involved dozens of dancers in geometrical patterns, with a huge emphasis on legs (there are tributes to his compositions in The Big Lebowski or Hail, Caesar!) and waterfalls, but he'd force his actors to inhuman conditions, with long hours on set and a lot of yelling. Esther Williams was almost killed during a very risky stunt he forced her to do. He was actually an alcoholic, who killed two people due to his drunk driving in 1935. Yet, he would still find work, even when his style of musicals went out of fashion and he had to switch to regular directing. The last film he directed was mostly handled by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, because he had to spend time to recover from "exhaustion".
    He was particularly cruel to Judy Garland, forcing her to do take after take just for the sake of humiliating and breaking her. It got so bad that they had to fire him from a film where he was supposed to direct him. And that's one of the reasons (along with the comments about her weight) that got her addicted to pills.

  17. @kiki71 Count is aiming for humour. I was appalled like you, until he made a comment that he was purposefully trying to bring a lightness to the blinds. Now, as time has gone by, I rather appreciate his wit, and I look for his comments.

    1. I love the Count
      Until he strays into paedo territory.

    2. He’s an attention seeking pedophile.

    3. Freebird used to clean the the cub scout execution room at the Epstein Compound. Freebird also filled Cosby's Quaalude prescriptions, held down orphans for Sandusky and called Myles Garrett the enwurd.

  18. Derp, it was billy Barty.

  19. you stupid fucking ass women that stick up for the very base and very boring are probably men or have zero self respect or maybe very young. Watch your stupid asses because things are turning and soon you'll be fighting for your dignity in real life like the many women who suffered and died for equal rights and respect. You are the lowest dirt there is you stupid assholes.

  20. Daaaayum Blue Margarita, tell us how you really feel?

  21. kiki, even though I feel bad for poor Judy Garland's childhood, the Count has a point. Shirley Temple left Hollywood and never 'busted tabled in Iowa', so you're being a bit over dramatic with your ridiculous jump.

    1. Please explain this point. Why is the emphasis on victims leaving their careers of choice VS. perps being jailed and making a workplaces safe?
      That’s a slippery slope to Shariah law right there.

  22. Hey Count, I think Blue Margarita needs one of your special treatments.......she sounds terribly wound up.

    Oh, and I'm a woman. Middle aged and happily married.

    1. Obviously you are the Ghislaine Maxwell kind of a woman. Kudos!

  23. I am a woman and I very much dislike the Count, he's gross and his attempt at humor is the worst. I usually skip over his comments b/c they usually make me want to vomit.

  24. ..and of course the equivalent primitive troglodytic Americans just burn down university campuses.

  25. C Jerk and F Bird ain't foolin' no one. You two been goin' at it like famished sailors for awhile now. I'm guessing Birdy isn't into verbal abuse so the Count has to get off here. Totally sympathetic.

  26. 'Held down orphans for Sandusky'...jeesus...he does have consistently strong talent for his brand of '14 yr old wannabe' humor! (Another commenter's description that i though was incredibly funny!)

  27. Talk about a weird Six Degrees of Separation:
    Sadly, I'm able to say, from personal knowledge, that one of the last munchkins, who was living in St Louis and used to frequent Ozzie Smith's restaurant when I worked as a cocktail waitress there (where our uniform was a jersey and tennis skirt) would always try to casually run his hand up our legs whenever we walked past.
