Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly television actor who has one hit streaming show under his belt walked away from rehab twice in the past month because he can't live without his coke and also because he thinks his girlfriend will leave him if he goes away for 30 days.


  1. Nice one spellcheck! Heaton andhis g/f Dyer

  2. Wow this is alarming....poor soul !

  3. Where's she gonna go? Unless she's blown away by a gentle gust.

    1. +1000. Lol she ain’t going nowhere.

  4. She’ll probably leave him if he gets sober. They both look like big fans of the booger sugar.

  5. I was seriously let down when they both weren't killed off last season.

  6. She needs rehab too. The girl seems obviously anorexic.

  7. Rats will eat cocaine instead of eating food when given the choice...just sayin'

  8. @Half, Well if you were a rat wouldn't you do the same? I mean you're a rat, how good is your life, crawling around in the dark eating garbage and excrement? Or more likely trapped in a lab in inhumane conditions being subjected to tortures you'll never understand by weird beasts who walk upright who are just going to kill you anyway?
    And then all of a sudden there's a bowl of cocaine in front of you? F*ck yeah you'd choose coke over food, you'd gobble that sh!t down and hope you died that happy.

  9. @Do Not Lie, Thanks! I was just thinking of how animal studies don't always transfer over well to humans. Then I was like, well if I wound up in a nursing home I would chose coke over food too.

  10. Anyone who doesn't know that a lot of people would choose coke over food....hasn't done coke.

  11. That's some truth MB.

  12. I don''t like coke so much, I just like the smell...

  13. To paraphrase Eddie Izzard:
    Coke or death?

  14. Sounds like she should.

  15. In what universe is Charlie Heaton A-/B+ ????

  16. Damn, doesn't look like he was carrying at the screening. Looks like the poor guy's going through withdrawal right in front of the paps.


    (And I say this as a recovered addict who has tried and used every drug, finally ended up at heroin and was addicted to it for 6 years, went to rehab for 10 months and have now been clean for about 15 / 16 years. He looks exactly like how I used to look and feel when withdrawal set in and it was time to score postfuckinghaste!!!)

    I never really got addicted to coke though, so I cannot speak of the withdrawal. For us coke was more like a party / special occasion / coke-night drug. This looks all too familiar though, looks exactly like a heavy opiate cold turkey withdrawal felt like - and I feel so terrible for this poor guy. I never want to feel that ever again and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy: for real. :-/

  17. Brayson 87........Respect for your Wisdom and Sense of Humor.
