Friday, November 15, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A- list singer isn't bailing on a gig because she would have to pay back the advance and it is a lot of money she wants to keep.


  1. I hope everyone has a really great weekend :)

  2. +1 Tricia

  3. Wait a second, so when you're volunteering in a soup kitchen you're not supposed to say, "Here's your f*cking soup f*****t?"
    Wow there go all the yearly traditions. ;)

  4. Elie and her ridiculous demands to the Salvation Army.

  5. Met Ellie at her first US concert in 2010. She wasn’t even famous yet - her album had only been released in the UK at the time

    She was quite a bitch. Her lips have ballooned since then also to a comical level. Oh and she likes girls more than guys

  6. Goulding was never that great of a singer to begin with, she's lucky for the fame that she has.

  7. Thanksgiving with will and kates wedding singer! Oh joys...

  8. Elie Goulding is unfortunate looking (long, potato face) AND can't sing at all. Honestly have zero clue how she got signed because she has nothing to offer. Imagine if Rumer Willis couldn't sing and dance...and you'd have Elie.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The Salvation Army during the holiday season is not the fight you want to pick. What were her advisors thinking?
    That said it is almost 2020 in Wokeland so if I want to put on a ballgown and visit the local homeless shelter with my rough trade dare they stop me!

  10. Ellie Goulding is a great example of singing with vocal fry. Very easy to do

  11. I can't believe a Christian Org doesn't support the whole alphabet soup of gay. 🙄
    What a dumbass she is, ffs.
