Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blind Item #1

The problem when you have a highly publicized fake relationship is a party in the relationship who wants a hookup. The former A+ list tweener turned silent adult singer had t go into hiding to make that happen which then led everyone to believe she had split with her fake boyfriend.


  1. Miley Cyrus and Cody

    1. They're fine just taking a break....so says DM !
      And Good Morning MD !

    2. Good morning to you Indie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't get why she's doing all this! Must be hell to be her right now!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Why does she want attention from a person she cheated on?

  4. Miley she’s really need help asap

  5. Silent Singer = Selena

  6. Miley is either undiagnosed bipolar or her family has not made it public, which is her right to keep it quiet. but girl is on the verge of a manic episode. Even if the relationship wasn't the greatest she lost her stability in Liam and needs serious help asap! I hope someone will put her health first instead of $!

  7. What is a silent adult singer? So, the blind is saying they had to hide in order to hook up? Did they hook up or not?

  8. A girl dates around = send her to the psych ward!
    A guy dates around = a stud, a player, a legend!

  9. @CBGB, Girl ditched her husband, immediately got with a girl, then ditched the girl for a closeted man.
    So the flip would be guy ditches his wife, immediately gets with a guy, then ditches the guy for a closeted girl. People wouldn't say the guy is a stud, they'd say he's struggling with his sexuality.

  10. Hopefully if it's a mental health issue then she's actually silent because she's getting professional help.

  11. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-11-borderline-personality-disorder-strongest-link.html

    Borderline personality disorder has strongest link to childhood trauma

    People with borderline personality disorder are 13 times more likely to report childhood trauma than people without any mental health problems, according to University of Manchester research.

  12. I don't place much stock in most personality disorders. They're always changing the definitions and you can usually find one that will fit anyone you know. Aside from the more extreme ones like antisocial and schizotypal, they often seem one step removed from astrological signs.

    1. @Brayson, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has been around a loooong while. The key characteristics of the disorder have been described throughout history since ancient times. It was theorized as a possible standalone mental health issue during the 1960s and 70s, and then finally entered into the DSM in 1980s as a diagnosable condition.

      I get what you are saying about some of the other personality disorders being vague and ever-changing - particularly some of those outlined in Clusters B and C - i.e. histrionic and narcissistic, dependent and avoidant. However, I assure you that BPD very much exists and of the many personality disorders that are problematic - borderline isn't one of them! In fact, there are several disorders that may later be lumped as "key features" under the borderline umbrella layer on down the road. Histrionic being one of those disorders.

      I wouldn't be surprised to find Miley dx'ed as borderline down the road...hell, many of the Hollywood types seem to exhibit the symptoms. She wouldn't be alone.

    2. *I meant to imply that certain personality disorders may eventually be deleted from the DSM as standalone conditions altogether, and will instead be listed beneath BPD as a key feature (to delineate between the various manifestations of the disorder between different people who have it). I.e. a patient in the future may receive a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder with Histrionic Features...or Narcissistic Features...or Dissociative Features...rather than 'just' BPD.

      There is also speculation that BPD will be regarded as a tiered or spectrum diagnosis, based on degree of severity for symptoms. It's supposed to help clinicians during the development of therapeutic approaches for treatment.

  13. Her family aren't much help since her Mother was the one who got her back on drugs after she stopped.

  14. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Miley needs to star in a major motion picture remake of Insatiable.

  15. It's nice to take a break from her and her attention-whore ways.

  16. Miley is in the throws of an acute manic episode not heading for one. She needs some rest and some therapy.

  17. I read she couldn't talk for a few weeks because of a vocal chord problem.

  18. She's around somewhere licking a light pole or street cone

  19. Miley. Silent bc she had vocal chord problems or something recently..Miley is self absorbed. She wants what she wants when she wants it. She thinks too highly of herself. She thought she could "take a break" from Liam (hoping it would force him to come around to her way of thinking), get hers too and make him jealous at the same time, then he would come crawling back bc he just cant live without her. Totally backfired though. He filed for divorce and wont speak to her at all. She tried to accuse him of being an alcoholic and pill addict but you dont see him acting like a lunatic. She's the addict. Her behavior is that of someone who suffers from addiction. Pointing fingers at everyone but yourself is a sign. She needs help.

  20. @Yummy, Even BPD seems a little suspect to me. A lot of the symptoms could be explained by more established psychological or physical disorders, or just undesirable personality traits. It's also shady how 75% of the people diagnosed with BPD are female. Seems like a more modern version of the old female hysteria diagnosis.


    Especially when you see stuff like this:

    "A 2003 study found that women's BPD symptoms were predicted by changes in estrogen levels throughout their menstrual cycles, an effect that remained significant when the results were controlled for a general increase in negative affect.[61]"


    1. @Brayson, I agree that it's more commonly diagnosed in females, but feel that the discrepancy is attributable to clinician bias, rooted in antiquated social conventions regarding "acceptable" personality traits for both sexes.

      When men appear with a history of unstable emotions and intense, inappropriate outbursts of anger they are far more likely to be diagnosed with a mood disorder (i.e. bipolar) and told to attend anger management classes than to EVER be considered for a BPD diagnosis. I don't dispute this because it's a sad reality. However, I do feel that BPD exists in both men and women.

      The bottom line is this...if emotional instability exists and fluctuates wildly on a day to day basis (with moods changing from one extreme to another in a matter of hours, or even mere minutes) rather than the cyclical nature of mania/depression as seen in bipolar cases - then BPD ABSOLUTELY needs to be considered and ruled out, regardless of biological sex. Especially when the person in question has experienced past trauma, has chemical dependency issues, behaves impulsively, and threatens suicide. If mental health professionals were better educated on identifying the signs of BPD in men, and were also better trained to LEAVE their own personal biases out of the equation, maybe the BPD stats would balance out somewhat.

      Pete Davidson is an unapologetic case of male BPD, and to me he fits the criteria all day long. Many in Hollyweird do. Hopefully this also helps to highlight that men can have the disorder as well. I suspect that crazy ass husband of Janelle from Teen Mom has BPD also.

  21. I think there's such a fine line between all these mental health classifications. If it's not organic (brain damage)or chemical (hormones) (is that the same?), then childhood trauma should have it's own diagnosis - one diagnosis.

  22. and yes, I think it's Miley because of the vocal cord surgery.
