Friday, November 08, 2019

Blind Item #2

Te former A+ list rapper/future Presidential candidate, who, last I checked has never even taken part in an election by even voting wants a name change. The thing is, he is closer to being in the whole a billion dollars than being a billionaire.


  1. I just read about Kanye wanting to run in 2024 and changing his name to something ridiculous. Never a dull moment with him.

    1. Yep and he wants to change his name to Christian Genius Billionare!

  2. That name is ridiculous. I vote for Prince Consuelo Banana Hammock.

  3. Can you imagine how Kayne's conversations with foreign leaders would go, yo!

    I can also just imagine him rapping his inaugural speech and you just know momager, Kris, would be his secretary of state and the new reality show would be The Kardashians Take on the White House.

    Oh God..... that is exactly what would happen....

    1. Don’t forget their Plastic Surgeon as Attorney General! And making Kim’s Birthday ๐ŸŽ‚ a National Holiday ... Oval Office redone in Rose Gold ..... Yeezy’s and Kanye utilitarian collection mandatory staff uniform. List goes on

  4. I doubt any court will allow him to legally change his name to Chronic Asshole.

  5. Oh, the black dude who wears confederate-flag clothes.

  6. Tricia- hilarious! I know the second comment is a joke, but I'm seriously not sure about your first comment!๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  7. Oops, i mean the name change comment..the first was just the guess/answer!

  8. He has actual mental disorders but everyone just laughs or tries to make money off him.

  9. This buffoon is mentally ill. It's his mental illness talking, bragging. The country is 66 percent white and KON would be lucky to get one vote. Minorities can't elect a president, they aren't the majority. He's too uneducated and ill to know basic math of who votes, etc.

  10. Ohh please....President Kanye that would never happen !
    Americans are not that foolish !

    1. Donald Trump is a reality TV star with zero political experience. Of course it could happen.

  11. Kanye he's certified crazy

  12. The only thing that would be good about KON running is the overdue scrutiny on his finances, his marriage, if he's gay or bi or not, etc. Whatever happened to his "fashion" line? (chortle). Does anyone believe Forbes cover story on him that he made over 100 million on those shoes no one wears or buys? Yes, the media will be into all of that, including his marriage, and everything about the K-trash as well.

  13. Perhaps he should try running for governor first, lots of entertainers have been able to make that leap.

  14. @Studio, I think you might be underestimating the demographics of Kanye's audience. The majority of hip hop listeners are white.

  15. His old lady runs thru money like it is water. That's what it takes to keep up with the Kardashians.

    Bruce Jenner wants his nuts back.

  16. Yeezy got himself some great PR reps. He is all over the news today. I laughed when they posted a Forbes story and he was trying to suggest he is a billionaire. Just like our prez. They count their 'brand' as an asset and inflate the number. How much cash in the bank does he actually have? From what I hear, more than me of course, but he mostly barters out for press mentions or trades appearances or placements for freebies. Nice work if you can get it.

  17. All politics are illusion, just smoke and mirrors. Which actually sounds like a drug reference nowadays ๐Ÿ˜…

    "Government is a shared myth. When the myth dies, the government dies."

    “All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

    -Frank Herbert

  18. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It's pathetic that no one from the Kardashians has bothered to get Kanye into treatment. The man needs medicated and they stand around and watch him flounder for entertainment. It's not funny.

  19. He’s about a billion in debt

  20. Kim could be Attorney General. She is going to law school after all.

  21. Good grief who in the world would ever vote Kimye into the White House??

  22. @Soapdish, "Good grief who in the world would ever vote ______ into the White House??"
    Yeah we've never heard that sentence before ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

  23. @Ann, He has admitted publicly that he does have medication, and he has been in the hospital. Either he's not taking his meds or the treatment isn't working.

  24. @Brayson87 - Thank you for that information on his fans. I still don't see any white rap fan that would vote for him for President, based on nothing but his ego as his credentials.

    @ClarkGreen: I don't think you can put lipstick on a pig and PR has not helped Meghan Markle one bit. PR can't disguise bat crazy either.

  25. Oh, and who would vote for a man to have the nuclear biscuit (that's what the nuclear codes are called) and power as Commander in Chief over the US military when he had a complete mental breakdown, had to be hospitalized and cancel his tour, and can't even get insurance because of it. COME ON!

  26. @Studio54, You know you're kind of describing JFK there right? ๐Ÿ˜…

  27. They need someone to legitimize their celebrity. Otherwise they're just another group of Instagram models. Bruce Jenner was their path to television. It ate him up and they moved on to the next target.

  28. @Me Again

    There is no way she could make it through undergrad and law school. That statement was made to support her efforts in dealing with people on death row or serving long prison sentences. She needs to appear compassionate all of a sudden for some reason. I don't understand it. What does she know about their cases? How does she gain access? Why do we never hear from the detectives on the case or the presiding judges?

    I've got nothing against defending folks who cannot defend themselves but when you're advocating on behalf of the incarcerated when there are so many "free people" suffering... something is up. One gains much more publicity than the other and she is a MAJOR publicity hound.

  29. She isn't planning on going to law school before taking the bar exam;

  30. hole -- damn, seriously?

  31. Sadly there are enough fucking idiots that would still vote for him...nothing’s impossible ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♀️

  32. WTF is Kim doing while her husband is decompensating? Taking selfies and watching the nannies watch her kids?

  33. Just reading this blind is making me physically ill.

  34. The nerve to post this blind with these typos, then slam Kanye...

    Remember, Reagan was a B list actor. Jesse Ventura a wrestler (elected governor of Minn.)

    God knows where we're headed.

  35. Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes!

  36. @GentleBreeze: Reagan was the Governor of California before running for President. He had political experience in running a huge state.

    Kon is a mentally ill crackpot, nothing more. He needs to treat his bi polar disorder a lot more seriously.

    Can you imagine the oppo campaign ads showing those huts he placed all around his property? What ever happened to those? (chortle).

  37. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Presidents are selected, not elected.The banking and oil cartels choose our President, we get to live with it.
    ... but it's cute that Americans still believe they have that kind of power.

    1. Sure, Jan. Explain the Bush - Gore election and recount - did the special interests forget whom they selected to win?

  38. I am such a dumbass American...that I took the time to listen for 4 years and chose to vote against socialism and Hilldog...NAh. you will NEVER control this woman. I have basic common since and mouthes to feed.

    Seriously, get lost. I cannot wiait to you dip sh out.

    See you at the polls!


    A surbana, swing state, millennial. MWAH!

  39. It has a nice ring to it. Legally change your name to Gay Black Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West.

  40. In the "whole"? What the hell is that? Or were you trying to say hole?
