Thursday, November 21, 2019

Blind Item #3

Much like here in Los Angeles, this former A+ list rapper ignores all zoning laws or defies them or thinks he can get away with breaking the law because of who he is. A new place is discovering how much he will lie to keep doing what he wants and then thinks officials will just cave. None have so far.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just finished reading the DM article about this. Yes, it's Kanye and he doesn't have the right permits. LOL.

  3. I wish all my neighbors were rappers. They are so thoughtful and it's so fascinating to discuss all sorts of topics with them. I'd love to get a rapper's thoughts on technological solutions for protecting Venice, or the fairness of a government imposing an extended regime of artificially depressed interest rates.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      You know Venice was built on islands in a lagoon with the highest point 3 feet above sea level? When they started to dig artesian wells around the area, the land started subsiding.

  4. It’s just an amphitheater jeez 😉😂

  5. Tricia - actually, no, it was the home pods and their placement that was also the problem.

    1. I know.. I joke I joke. Just the thought of the whole thing. I remember when screening rooms were a big deal in homes. In theory- it’s kinda cool if he gives free concerts/sermons there etc(which he won’t:(

  6. I hope Wyoming runs him outta town. It's beautiful country and amazing people ... until you fuck with 'em.

    1. THIS. My brother lives in Cody where this is all going down and people are NOT having Kanye’s bullshit. He’s quickly wearing out his welcome.

  7. what do they expect? they literally live in a floating city. the same thing will happen to back bay in boston which was built on top of swampland.

  8. Dude is building a freaking cult compound, he's gone Jim Jones.

  9. Kanye West for the dummy of the year in music

  10. Kanye is A+ list. His name is in too many mouths.

  11. It's all fun and games until you get arrested and thrown in the slammer.

  12. Not going to lie, I would not want to stay at a Kayne West town/ resort for fear of not being allowed to leave haha

  13. @Bobby, Yeah but what's in his? 😅

  14. Actually the story of Venice's beginnings is fascinating. People living in the Veneto getting sick and tired of constant harrassment from marauders retreated to a mucky swamp where Venice is today. To make foundations for buildings they hammered beams into the muck until they hit solid rock. Then, and I think the original builders didn't expect this, all that wood beat into the ground petrified over many years. Solid rock today.

    But G-Eazy tells the story much better.

  15. Good. More people need to start telling Kanye NO.

  16. Please, let Wyoming be impervious to celebrity!

  17. Jackson Hole has so many people that have homes there that have actual money and DO care about privacy and the land.

  18. Thank you, Low Key. That is incredibly nice to hear.

  19. Anyone that gives that bi-polar buffoon one cent deserves to be ripped off. As I posted before the black community does not call out its KON artists. That's why you have "Reverend" Al still around after the Tawana Brawley scam. Read Roger Friedman's exclusive on Jay Z's sham charity yesterday on Showbiz 411. Tawana Brawley 2019, con artist Jussie Smolett suing the city of Chicago, after scamming them with a false MAGA crime. Don King, etc.

  20. Wyoming resident, here- he tried to pull a last minute bait and switch with city council by initially applying for permitting of a 70,000 sq ft “Meditation Space” and at the last minute his team swapped it out for residential zoning (pods), thinking the simple country folk would notice or mind, if they did notice. Well, the city planner did notice and got pretty pissed off. She’s know to be a real bulldog. And his realtor has been instructed to be on the hunt for “million dollar range” pieces of property that aren’t listed, to be purchased on the DL for “his people”....aka that Bethel church group who ALSO own a ton of property in WY and around the US. Kanye tryna bring his Culty Christian Calvary with him and Cody locals are NOT happy about it.
