Friday, November 15, 2019

Blind Item #4 - Reader Blind Item

This deceased foreign born musician is considered by many to be one of the best of all time on his particular instrument.  He was the second member of this permanent A+ group to pass away and in the group contributed songwriting and vocals although he was much overshadowed in both of these areas by other members of the group.

Recently a private sale was arranged of some of this musician’s personal effects.   Included among them are some photo albums that contain pictures of young women. Nothing unusual there, it’s what the women are doing. The pictures are all of women going to the bathroom and sometimes just picture of the excretions themselves. 


  1. Jimi Hendrix, 27 club

  2. Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison all died at the age of 27 between 1969 and 1971.

  3. john entwistle from the who

  4. The description fits GH. However, I doubt his widow or son would let such photos be released. I am guessing it is someone with heirs not interested in protecting the reputation of the deceased star. John Entwistle?

  5. Simon Jenkin +1 - you were thinking of the same option as me.

  6. I love the Beatles, but George Harrison was never considered one of the best guitarists ever

  7. No besmirching George!

  8. Replies
    1. That was my guess as well.

    2. But he was the first of the band to die

  9. if this *is* john entwistle it still doesn't come close to making him the creepiest member of the who...

  10. Ginger Baker of Cream. Predeceased by Jack Bruce. Always claimed that his contributions to their music was never properly credited to him.

  11. Excuse me while I vomit. But Baker might be a better guess as Entwistle died quite a while ago.

  12. So which extremely talented geezer was the second to die in his group?

  13. The shit's really gonna hit the fan now!

  14. Baker sang? He got in my face and yelled at me while I was standing offstage minding my business, jerk.

    1. It's because he was a Ginger

    2. And had gingervitis! 😂😂

  15. Brayson - Jack Bruce was the first to die

    Ginger Baker sang a song in Cream called "Pressed Rat and Warthog". I would not advise anyone to try and listen to it.

  16. Ginger Baker had several wives. Any one of them could be a source for a photo album. He certainly left many people on this planet with inclinations not to want to do him any favors.

  17. This is revolting.
    What is it with scat fetishes?
    What the hell happened to people to make them think shit is sexy?

  18. I would say some bad potty training experiences. It always seemed the little boys had issues with watching their poop be flushed away. Some of my friends kids were so bad that it caused some severe constipation issues.

  19. That was probably his secret stash, for when he was coked out if his mind

  20. Baker it is. I knew he was good, but I had no idea how good (and creepy he was) until someone here posted a comment that Beware of Mr. baker is a very good documentary. So I watched it and was amazed by his talent and creepiness. See it yourself, it's still on Youtube.

  21. Since the theme of the day seems to be about dookie, did y'all read the story about the man in LA who dumped a bucket of hot diarrhea on some poor tourist?! The EMT's stated, "it looked like he had been collecting it for a month!" Sucio!


  23. Much as I admired Harrison, no one considered him "one of the best" on his instrument. Entwistle is another matter. Most bassists I've known worshiped the guy. Plus I think the Who as individuals were both qualitatively and quantitatively weirder (more perverse, really) than the Beatles as individuals.

    1. Harrison is 3rd Beatle to die anyway.

  24. "Baby! I'm finished! Bring your camera and come wipe me!"

  25. Years ago I read that Ginger had a fetish for fat bottomed women (to put it mildly). It was why he moved to Africa?

    1. his last wife was African and lived the music. interesting character.

  26. All Things Must Pass. Just make sure you take a picture before your flush.

  27. Jack Bruce and Pete Brown wrote most of the music. Jack was a multi- instrumentalist and music prodigy. Baker was one of the most innovative drummers in the history of rock. Too bad they hated each other.
