Friday, November 01, 2019

Blind Item #4

This foreign born athlete who sexually assaults women when he cheats on his significant other should be barred from going o other countries because of it and what happened today, but somehow he keeps getting those work visas. 


  1. McGregor pleaded guilty for sucker punching an old man, who didn't want a shot of Connors brand of whiskey.

    1. You have the freedom to say you don't want to try the whiskey but you have to remember that words have consequences

    2. With that comment are you condoning the cowardly actions of a young, fit MMA fighter in sucker punching an old man who just wants to be left alone to have a quiet pint?
      Because it sounds very much like you are.
      Remember words cannot hurt you
      And if they do it's because YOU have very thin skin
      Or a personality disorder.

  2. All those MMA guys and boxers have anger issues.

  3. There is no excuse for punching an old man unless he is trying to assault you.

  4. I think it was filmed so how could he not plead guilty?

  5. Just 8% of reported rapes end in conviction in Ireland. As a superstar, no wonder he feels untouchable

  6. Shoulda never gave the Irish money. Kennedys, McGregor, Mike Tyson, etc

  7. Europe, et. al. should be banning him from entering their countries, with his record of assault.
    I believe McGregor is acting this way due to CTE's just like football players, hockey players, boxers, their mind is destroyed from the head blows.

    1. Or he could just be an asshole who got money and now thinks his shit dont stink.

  8. @ Tricia13

    the irish are cowards, there are murderers in the irish government who covered up sex abuse and the irish sheeple do nothing about it

  9. that's one helluva an Irish man. my oh my. that insane body makes me forget what a brutal thug he is.

  10. He is a manlet. Like 5'7, and fights at 145-155.

  11. every Conor McGregor blind item is just a recap of the latest news involving him
