Monday, November 11, 2019

Blind Item #4

Unlike the actress that used to be in her role, this former athlete is fully committed to her role as a beard for the permanent A lister. The actress hated giving interviews for fear she would mess something up. The former athlete thrives in them.


  1. Danica Patrick and Aaron Rodgers

  2. Olivia Munn for the actress

  3. Damn right, Danica knows how to take the wheel, and she's knows that godaddy money isn't going to last forever. Kind of surprised Munn was uncomfortable, think she'd be used to it by now.

  4. How Romantic ......match made in Hollywood !

  5. Brayson, lol

    Danica and Aaron...heard that she's everything even helping to reunite him with his family

  6. Until he retires and comes out. Then what Danica?

  7. Autocorrect running rogue and threw "everything" in there! Psycho machinery!

  8. is aaron rodgers a permanent a lister?

  9. Danica does seem like she has a brain cell or two v Munn whose brain no doubt rests between her legs. Nothing wrong with that, but if you aren't really interested bin your partner that way better to have a smart woman who can quip and make you laugh and keep quiet re your secrets

  10. @Boozie yes. First ballot HOF and very successful commercial pitchman and by all accounts a fairly nice guy. I think he'll be the new Romo when he retires

  11. All my friends still in WI LOVE Aaron Rodgers and I think the packers fans/owners would be ok with him if he came out. Aaron could use that to further his profile/career vs all these fake relationships.

  12. It would be really interesting if he came out, but I understand his reasons to not do that (yet?)... I love him!! Go pack go 💚💛🏈

  13. Olivia Munn hated giving interviews.... said no one else EVER. the girl was an absolute attention whore! Honestly, I doubt this blind heavily.

  14. I totally forgot he was a Packer 😅

  15. Beardings a lot easier than wrecking nascar vehilcles every week! :)

  16. Are race car drivers really athletes? It's more about the car, isn't it? Now if they had to run to their cars first, I'd buy it.

  17. @Marge, Are you saying you're unimpressed with people driving in circles? 😅

    You make a good point though, in horse racing it's more about the horse. Then again they don't turn cars into dog food when they lose.

    It will be interesting if they ever let self-driving cars compete.

  18. Munn's face lately is so frightening. She was beautiful. I don't get it?!?

    Look at her Halloween instagram for reference (Props for going as Judy Gemstone though!)

  19. I have always thought Danica was closeted as well, which is a shame, so this mutual bearding could really benefit both.

  20. I am from WI and now live in Cleveland. When Rodgers told people he was not eating cheese and doing gluten fans went nuts. WI would not have it if he came out, especially up north. However, I know Cleveland would take him with open arms just to see a win!
