Friday, November 22, 2019

Blind Item #4

The A list singer/wannabe actress who thought she would have roles thrown at her right and left after last year, is discovering, no one really wants to hire her for straight acting gigs. She is going the way of other A listers who then try and have people create projects so they can star in those, but it never works.


  1. Now she's got nothing but time to spirit cook with Marina Abramovic :)

  2. So sick of Gaga and her bullshit

  3. Guess she's have to wait for a good actress to fall off a building so she can steal her persona.

  4. @Brayson87 "All musicians are magpies and thieves." - Elvis Costello

  5. Lady gargoyle buying up all the juicy accounts of her origin story! :)

  6. All I think of when I hear Gaga is the bloody bathtub she left in a hotel, and her hanging all over Marina Abramovich. Disgusting.

  7. Shes so hooked on the meds now she may not make it to these new projects

  8. There was ZERO chemistry between Lady G and Brad C in Star Is Born. And the camera really does NOT love her...

  9. Maybe she can bribe Joni Mitchell into greenlighting her.

  10. She had some decent moments in A Star is Born, but many were cringe-worthy. It certainly wasn't enough to start a whole new career as a film actress.

  11. Gaga should have taken the role of Black Canary in Margot Robbie's Birds of Prey when it was offered.

  12. Olivia Coleman and glen close were right when they said she will never win the big acting trophy

  13. She’s a bad actor, period.

  14. I didn't see A Star Is Born but I could see Lena Dunham and Lady Gaga doing something together. Like Dunham could write and maybe direct?
