Monday, November 25, 2019

Blind Item #5 - American Music Awards

This one named singer not named Halsey, but who was at the same level as Halsey a few years back before slowly sliding down the list, was wasted out of her mind on coke and something else. It wasn't just a straight coke wastedness. 


  1. I feel like Halsey should look at Fergie as a cautionary tale.

  2. Hope it’s not Kesha, I was rooting for her

    1. Me too. Im waiting for another party banger from her

  3. What pairs well with coke and booze? Muscle relaxers for the cramps?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hmm, if it were Kesha, do you think the Dr.Luke drama/lawsuit might be referenced in some way?

    Would Charlie XCX be considered one name?

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Ke$ha was too good at her job of being the IDGAF girl who could kinda sing but was best known for partying and Satanic videos. Her attempts to rebrand herself (Kesha Rose...really?) have been pretty bad. The #metoo goodwill showered upon her did not translate into sales in the way she had hoped. Maybe she's going back to what worked for her the first time.

  7. I miss dirty/fun Ke$ha. And her plodding ballads suck.
