Saturday, November 09, 2019

Blind Item #5

This A+ list singer knows she isn't going to win any acting awards, but she wants the Oscar for best song so is going to make sure that during its two weeks of eligibility there is an onslaught of publicity about the song.


  1. +1 Tricia
    Taylor and her song from Cats

  2. BeyoncΓ© for Spirit?

  3. Its BeyoncΓ© for Spirit as she was also nominated for Best Supporting Actress

  4. Sounds like a gaga move.

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Sure, sure, Taylor and Bey will duke it out but my dark horse candidate is Adele Dazeem - I'm sorry, Idina, coming in with a cut off the Frozen II soundtrack

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Wait a minute. The Andrew Lloyd Webber soundtrack of Cats was not considered quite enough for the movie version so they added a Taylor Swift song? We truly live in Clown World.

    1. No, you live in Clown World with all the other /pol/ scumbags. No one else wants to visit.

  7. R_rodey-- holy ears have finally stopped ringing from Let It Go, and now you're telling me Frozen II and Cats are going to battle it out over the airwaves? Classic Christmas carols, here I come!😁

  8. Bwahahaha @R!! That was the most unintentional funniest ass moment at the oscars , John introduction of Idina .πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

  9. MissDavis: For Academy Award consideration, songs that have already been used for a previous incarnation are not valid (ie every song from a Broadway musical). In order for a musical to have a song considered, it must be a new one.

    That's how you get a new Madonna song in the film of "Evita" (and in fact it was nominated), and why Swift is invited to write a new song for Cats.

  10. did harry styles sing a song for 'Dunkirk'

  11. It's a Lloyd-Webber/Swift co-write so of course it's going to win. He hasn't won an Oscar yet either.
