Friday, November 22, 2019

Blind Item #6

The director is in a sticky situation. If he settles with his accuser, than the celebrity cult will forever brandish him a rapist. He wants to bring in evidence that the religion is behind all of the accusations, but isn't being allowed to do so. Plus, some of his motions are really victim shaming in disguise. On the other hand, if the accuser loses any of the director's motions, it is going to be tough to go to trial because of some of the communications made with others about the motive and who is behind the suits.



  2. blame the victim...just like the dems

  3. Maybe the text messages right after, but what does the sexual history matter? That's a tactic you usually see guilty dirtbags use.

  4. In case anyone is really interested in California rape shield laws.

    A defendant (Haggis) is allowed to bring up past consensual activity between him and his accuser, but, cannot use 3rd party / reputation accounts of the accuser's past sexual encounters with other people...UNLESS...the accuser brings it up first and then the defendant (Haggis) can rebut/ cross examine the accuser's past sexual acts but limited in the scope to what the accuser brought up in their testimony .

    So, yes, Haggis can bring up prior consensual acts with the accuser.

    It is possible Haggis could both be an abuser and Scientology is behind it. I don't know what to believe. SO yes, "sticky" situation is right.

  5. How do you brandish somebody? Wave them around onna stick?

  6. @Low Key.

    In West Hollywood there are probably clubs for that.

  7. So California is basically owned by CO$?

  8. LowKey/FlashyVic--LOL!😂

  9. @squirrel....more like demean the victim and then pay them off, just like the cheetah in charge.

  10. CheetOh in charge. Darn spell check.

  11. What's this "he's not allowed" bullshit? Paul, if you've got proof, even circumstantial, USE IT.

  12. Just saw this. Don't be so sure to assume all the women are connected to that sick cult of Scientology. I knew him personally and he made up a vile but innocuous lie about me that pretty much ended my career. I believe he did this to cover up his tracks. His own sister, now dead and yes, she was in Scientology, but she give specifics about his(now well known) theft of other people's writings. I don't know for a fact he raped all the women but we knew a woman that he stalked and had his way with. He was able to get her personal information and phone number. All this while he was married to Deborah. Personally, I feel he had a falling out with that sick Scientology because they were tired of covering up for him. Mean spirited bastard who knows how to play the game and now look like a victim. HE IS A LIAR! And NO, I am not a Scientologist, I think that whole cult is sick as F$#@
