Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blind Item #6

This barely there celebrity offspring who tries really hard and has made it higher on the list than her famous parental unit was a mess this week. Talking about her husband she broke down and it was apparently really sad to see someone crying and doing coke at the same time.


  1. Replies
    1. You mean shes crying her way to barneys everyday spending his fortune?

  2. You get what you signed up for...

  3. Can someone explains what Enty means by "Talking about her husband she broke down". I don't get this part.

    1. In between lines of blow she shed a few tears over her douchebag husband ,is how I read it

    2. Im sure it was just the atm on the fritz! Hailey needs to call kat mcphee for tips on how to milk hin dry...

    3. Ha I don’t know. But I just don’t see it lasting somehow🤔

  4. I assume it means that while she was talking about her husband, she broke down crying.

  5. Is it really sad to see someone crying and doing lines at the same time? A little f*cked up maybe, but it doesn't exactly tug at the heartstrings.

  6. @Carlina, I think what it means that when someone asked Hailey about her married life with Justin, she broke down crying because she was MISSING her husband terribly! You see, they cant stand to be apart from each other even for a small period of time, is how I read this blind!

  7. Thank you @V and @yepthatsme I should be used to his way of writing these blinds lol

  8. Girl is gonna hit the jackpot when Beieber O.D's on meth.

    1. She should get all she can while hes on the dope. Biebs prefers Selena the whore who did most of hillsong over his own wife

    2. You do realize that HB was a yatcher and expects to be paid everytime she fornicates per old blinds. that's why Biebs dumped her last time.

    3. Hailey yachter is still less of a whore than Selena! Fucking the congregation for better quality dope at hillsong is just the bottom of the barrel. ..and Bieber went right along with it

  9. she married for his love?!
    Is that what you're saying?

  10. in the world of being a fame whore, he must be quite a prize to marry. sorry honey, no empathy from me.

  11. Crying while doing cocaine isn't as common as talking about Jesus whilst doing cocaine. shameful mfkrs

  12. I mean...she basically pursued him obsessively. I recall her making sure he was drugged up while getting their marriage license. She knows she wasnt the first choice & she’s not gonna let go bc she ‘worked too hard!’ to lose him. It’s creepy. He’ll probably always want Selena - hope she stays far far away from him. I will NEVER forget that gangmember taping Bieber waiting for Selena, presumably scoring drugs in one of the back rooms. That gang guy was such a great narrator.

    ‘Bieber? That you in my neighborhood? Leave It To Bieber’

    I would listen to that mans podcast if he had one

  13. We could have this all wrong, Bieber could be the one who winds up killing her, lots of drugs there.

    1. Team baldwin. Biebs turned selena out at hillsong for good dope, he has no scruples

  14. He seems like a strong contender to join the 27 Club. She probably can’t wait to cash in.

  15. I like Hailey. ☺️

  16. love that watch she got for her birthday. but yeah she looks upset and extremely thirsty at the same time. i'm sure Kendull is waiting in the wings
