Monday, November 25, 2019

Blind Item #7 - American Music Awards

The PR team for this A- list singer/bad actress is spinning like crazy that this was a flare up of her disease that caused last night's disaster. So, with that disease, are you allowed to smoke? No, but she chain smokes. Are you allowed to booze it up? No, but she does. Are you allowed to take drugs? No, but out singer/bad actress does. Besides being messed up last night, she didn't have her ghost singer helping her out like she does on every last record she has ever made. 


  1. Replies
    1. I didn’t see show but Selena G seemed ok in photos?

  2. Heard she chucked all over her shoes in her performance. I didn't see it either though.

    Her RC dress needed to go up a size. Her poor boobs. :(

  3. Eh, there's a billion reasons for someone sing off key.

  4. Selena "oh my kidney" gomez!

    1. I wasn’t sure which ailment was to blame 👀

  5. Is it just me, or does Selena Gomez always come off visually as a little girl playing dress up? I just don't see what the appeal is with this kid.

    1. Not just you...she's got a Stewie Griffin head, chipmunk cheeks, average appearance otherwise and no discernible talent.

    2. As long as the baby face and titties hold up, she will have takers. Terrible ass for a bim 2ho dances for a living.

  6. Selena- heard her performance was real bad

  7. They were having audio playback issues. Billboard confirmed it. I don’t get the hate she gets, it upsets me how much hate she gets on here and on the internet

  8. Look, if she is going to live hard, despite any health conditions she has, then she isn't going to live a long life, anyway. There is no excuse for Miss Gomez to not get in touch with me. Nothing more than furthering her hedonistic lifestyle.

  9. (1) pedophiles like youthful , tiny looking women.(2) Women who were abused as children usually do self destruct in any number of ways. So, let's give her a break. Shame is the killer.........I would bet money she was passed around like Judy Garland.

    1. Gomez is 5'7, hardly tiny

    2. So was Audrey Hepburn. It's all relative. Gomez will always look like a teen/little girl with those chipmunk cheeks. Most people consider Hepburn a waif.

  10. +1 Selena Gomez. And what's up with the massive tattoo on her thigh??

  11. Selena was looking more adult, more mature on the red carpet. Also looked like she'd filled out more, gained some healthy weight. Then again maybe that was the tight dress. It was nice to see a celeb look better than before for a change.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Clark, No idea, but I am a little disturbed at how long it took me to recognize the tattoo was two hands praying with a rosary. Perhaps its placement lead my thoughts away from prayer 😅

  14. I'm guessing the tattoo is reminder not to let Justin Bieber's in your pants when you look down.

  15. she barfed on her shoes?? sounded ok at first but 2nd part dance moves were not. thought maybe her shoes were hurting her. loved the black dress and long green dress afterwards. if she is doing all those thongs, her days are numbered. seen it with a few middle age folks and back to dialysis u go.

  16. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Does even Count Jerkula want to go where Jim Carrey has been?

    1. Carrey just an excuse to smack and degrade her.

  17. I watched...her performance was blah.

  18. She looked kidney-stoned.

  19. So we can just blame everything on whatever illness we claim to have now? Well I have Lyme Disease so in case I total anyone's car it was from my symptoms acting up
