Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

November 13, 2019

This A- list mostly movie actress who is a fairly recent Oscar winner has set aside $250K to pay off layaway purchases for people this holiday season.

Brie Larson


  1. Where the hell is everyone ?
    I feel like a lonely kid on the playground!

  2. Hi Alley, thanks for responding!
    I got scared all alone! I thought I came to school on a Sunday !!!

  3. That’s a really nice thing to do. I didn’t know people still did layaway in the age online shopping and credit cards. Hello Indie and Alley.

  4. I didn't think I could love Brie anymore than I do already.
    My Little Unknown loves her too.
    He points North every he sees her.

  5. I don't even like her, but with a $1 billion Marvel franchise + Best Actress Oscar, she should be a solid A

  6. She should spend the cash on fixing her horrible flat ass.

    1. butt lifts cause DVT and is considered to be a dangerous procedure. squats help a little.

    2. Shut the fuck up and wipe the sheeto stain from your pubes

    3. Shut the fuck up you better go wipe the sheeto stain off your dick pubes

  7. Not a fan of her big annoying mouth or her acting abilities, but it’s a very nice kindness for the holiday season.

  8. @JHanoi

    “big annoying mouth” = every incel/whiny manchild/misogynist/bitter fanboy says the same thing over and over. What’d she do to get you big softies all riled up? Trying to get more women & PoC in the press pool? Dare to talk about how there are more ppl that deserve opportunities besides white men in charge?

    You do realize the only reason ppl like you don’t like her is that her opinions, shared by most non-idiots, are threatening to you and so as a result, you hate her. She’s a loudmouth, she should just sit down and shut up? Lolol. What a bunch of snowflakes shook up by the mere mention of reality. You miss the days when ppl couldnt talk back or women would just be quiet.

    Why don’t you go close your mouth & open a coffin. The only place you & your outdated opinions are going are 6ft under.

    1. Everyone can go home now. The best post of the day is here ^^^^^^^^

    2. Haha. Preach it. ✊🏻

  9. That is so kind of her. And yes (Em and i'm), people still do layaway. Usually lower-income people without credit. That (IMO) makes it extra sweet of her to do this.

  10. People who do this are the best. Tyler Perry does this every year. Kid Rock does the same. Good on their soft hearts! Staying aware of those who go without so many things is the best way to remain human.

  11. RobertaJoan-- well said!😍

  12. IndieRaga--Your first two comments were adorable!😁 Im happy Alleykat quickly came to your rescue!

  13. The cynical part of me makes me wonder if these sorts of blinds or acts are instigated by the stores to increase sales.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I was just somewhere that had a sign about layaway. Kohl's maybe. So yes, it's still a thing.
