Friday, November 29, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #18 - Anniversary Month

April 20, 2017

Usually when a couple of artists get together and make some magic and that magic turns out to be a hit, then everyone is the greatest of friends. Usually. When this one named singer agreed to do something with a barely known duo she negotiated herself quite the deal. The duo just assumed they would have the same deal they had with everyone else they worked with. Nope. When the project they worked on turned out to be a massive hit, the now A list duo went looking for their money only to find out it was going to be a fraction of what they were expecting. They accused the singer of being greedy and she said they were the ones to agree to the deal. One of our duo literally spent 24 straight hours texting the singer and I'm not sure there was a nice text in that 24 hour time period. There were certainly some words said which I have never uttered, but he did. It was basically a rant sent out one text at a time. He even publicly trashed her which was basically the end of any kind of relationship. This guy from the duo is known to be a jerk to just about anyone he meets. Fans, executives, promoters. They are all waiting for him to fall and are not going to help him up.

Halsey/The Chainsmokers/Andrew Taggart


  1. Most of the reveals today have been dull. C'mon, Enty, give us a good one!

  2. He signed without reading, or having his lawyer read it, he's an idiot.

  3. @andi

    Agreed. They only have themselves to blame but can’t handle it. Hope they’re gone permanently. They’re super fug too

  4. I thought The Chainsmokers was a cool name for a band. Still is, but not for their brand of music. I was very disappointed when I heard them.

  5. Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty were lifelong friends. Different genres, as the cliche goes made beautiful music together.

  6. They should praise her,if not for that hit,people would remember them as a one hit wonder with that awful Selfies song.

  7. Wasn't Halsey just as much a nobody as the Chainsmokers when that song came out?

  8. Had to google him. He just looks like an asshole. He looks like the kind of asshole that blames everybody for his mistakes.

  9. That song is shit. Sounds like white boy music.

  10. Halsey wasn't known before their stupid mattress song either. Who cares.

  11. what exactly is 'white boy music' virginia? Something worse than the guy that knocked up one of the Kardashians? Get the f out of here.

  12. Always read the small print in a contract. I would be pissed as well.
