Sunday, November 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 30, 2019

This parental unit of an actress turned escort has no idea about who his daughter is seeing or what her relationship is with any of the men who pay her, but he needed a check, so gave his opinion.

Michael Lohan/Lindsay Lohan/Saudi Prince MBS


  1. Lindsay plays with some dangerous players.

  2. Agreed, as I've said elsewhere, if she knew what was good for her she would never breath MBS's name. I'm sure they've been at the same parties because she is a dirty hooker but still.

  3. She'd better hope her MBS connection doesn't cause her to go to pieces.

  4. MbS is a psychopath. And she's mentally ill. I hope she doesn't steal any jewelry or other valuables...

  5. "I genuinely thought those were freckles all over Lindsay's skin.
    I didn't think for one second that it was Arabic poop splatter...I am a good father."
