Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 1, 2019

This B+ list actor who would be someone you remembered from an iconic show and not much else if the crap made for tv franchise had not come along to take him through the lean years found someone else, which is why he left his wife. He has done it before.

Ian Ziering


  1. He seems to ditch them when they hit their early 30's, must be a true believer in the wall.

  2. I feel like he would have had a better career if he didn’t insist his name was pronounced Eyean.

  3. What if it really is true love this time around !

  4. Nikki left him for Jason Biggs, when she thought she made it big, where is she now.

  5. except his wife is the one who filed for divorce and left him months ago.

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    just because she filed for divorce doesn't mean she ended the relationship. I left my husband, but he filed for divorce.

  7. new gal is a bimbo like his first wife.
