Saturday, November 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 4, 2019

A couple of years ago this A-/B+ list actress from an acting family that has someone equally as high on the list adopted two dogs. A big deal was made of it by the actress to show what a wonderful person she is. She wanted tabloid stories and cover articles written about how great she is. She then ditched them when she ditched her boyfriend to marry her now ex-husband. The dogs? Well, through relationships they are now being taken care of by this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who everyone always wanted to be with her frequent co-star who is an A+ lister.

Zooey Deschnel/Rachel McAdams/Ryan Gosling


  1. Happy Weekend everyone......Have Fun & Be Safe !

  2. People who mistreat animals are worse than shit.

    1. Well let's just say Karma hits extra special to those who torture the animals !

    2. Preach Indie!!!! (I really like your comments here on the C!)

    3. Oh Thank You....I wasn't sure anyone reads them !

  3. Same to you @IndieRaga
    And +10000000 @J

  4. I KNEW there was a reason I never liked Zooey.

  5. Thanks, IndieRaga!

  6. Ohh...But Zooey is just so cute and quirky!! I always thought she was as boring as hell, and now we know she treats animals like shit.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    That Zooey creature is another one on my list of people everybody seems to love but I find repulsive.

  8. Where does it say she mistreated the dogs? You people acting like she beat em and and entered em into fights when all she did was give em away.

  9. Didn’t McAdams have Gosling’s baby during that small ‘acting break’ she took after The Notebook - her sister raising the daughter in Canada

  10. Eva Mendes is too hot to be this much of a doormat. Remember the blinds where she hired someone to go trickortreating with her and her daughters pretending it was Gosling (not him, had a mask so you couldn’t tell) or the whole worry over her taking jobs bc she thought she’s come home to changed locks? They still don’t live together lol

  11. That was the rumor @not. Never been confirmed

  12. Have you read an Eva Mendes interview though? She’s an egotistical prick, so I couldn’t care less if she’s a doormat in her relationship.

    I do care about the dogs though...fuck you zooey.

  13. Agree with @Count,the dog left with her ex,and the ex left the dogs with McAdams. It's possible the dogs just became very attached to her. They dogs probably wanted an upgrade. Zooey a jerk for using them for PR,though.

  14. Um... this is a pretty lame blind. Zooey used to date Jamie Linden who is now with Rachel McAdams (father of her child). So he kept the dogs when he and Zooey split... who cares?!!!

  15. I'm flabbergasted!
