Thursday, November 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 11, 2019

This former family singer turned family reality star turned talk show host turned not doing a whole lot got dumped by her boyfriend because he says she talked about herself every waking moment. Often times she would be talking about herself while looking in the mirror. She could not walk five feet without a mirror or some glass surface. He tried to make it work, but her constant need to make everything about herself drove him crazy.

Tamar Braxton


  1. Honestly had never heard of this woman before I came to CDAN.

  2. She's a narcissistic at its finest and disgusting to watch.
    Just horrible, everything is about her and he's telling the truth

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I had to google her to find out who she is. I had no clue.

  4. As a guy I can't imagine tolerating a woman who thinks about nothing but frothy woman's stuff... makeup, fashion magazines, etc.

    In fairness, I also can't imagine how women deal with guys who do nothing but think about sports.

    So many fucking people with zero imagination. Whole world out there, and they want to have lips like Kylie.

  5. True, mythological level narcissism

  6. @J, I've been told liquor is the solution to such situations. Like guys who could might have had a few beers a week switching to finishing whiskey bottles on their own. Guess true love and sobriety rarely travel in the same carriage.

  7. She was Toni's back up singer for years and is completely jelous of her sister, then her & her sisters got a "reality" show on a cable network no one watches.

    She was kinda funny, she talks about herself in the 3rd person. Her hubs, now ex was a big time music producer before he screwed up.

  8. Yeah, gotta narcotize the senses somehow.

  9. I don’t know who this woman is & I don’t care enough to look her up. She sounds like a real peach though.

  10. I watched the family show a few times when it came on years ago. Tamar was cute and funny, she was the spoiled baby of the family but she had a sense of humor.
    I caught it again a few years later and was shocked, she was almost unreccognizable, that's not a exaggeration either. I'm not anti-plastic surgery by any means, I love Botox but in moderation, "less is more" which I guess is pretty antiquated in the Kardashian world in which we now live.

  11. She sounds like Trump.

  12. 😂😂

  13. I use to be friends with someone like that for a long time. Everyone else had abandoned her because no matter what was going on in our lives, hers was the most important. My final straw came when over brunch I told her about a big raise and promotion I just got, she had a meltdown because I didn't first ask her about her weekend.
