Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 2, 2019

The alliterate talk show host is not someone this foreign born former A+ list rapper should be feuding with. The talk show host knows career ending dirt and is never afraid to toss a bomb or two out to social media.

Wendy Williams/Nicki Minaj


  1. Wait, Minaj still has a career to end?

  2. Wendy's held her own vs. Fofty for years, and I agree that I dont think she'd go down vs. Nicki without dealing some lethal blows of her own. Nicki needs to just enjoy her honeymoon.

  3. Wendy loves feuds, bitch never loses them. Her vs. Angie Martinez for NY radio bitch dominance was classic and you see who is on tv and who isn’t now.

  4. Don't rankle the cankled one.

  5. We love you Wendy! 👍

  6. Wendy told it like it is ... the woman married a loser
