Monday, November 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 15, 2019

This foreign born A- list singer isn't bailing on a gig because she would have to pay back the advance and it is a lot of money she wants to keep.

Ellie Goulding (Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day performance sponsored by Salvation Army who she opposes)


  1. As usual I will be bailing on another NFL schlocky halftime show.

  2. Isn't singing at a Cowboys gig a great promo event?

  3. I have trouble seeing the Salvation Army as hatemongers.

  4. Yes because it’s the only game in town at about 5:30 and has high ratings. So her five minutes is good for her.

  5. Thank for the information I will never ever give the Salvation Army another penny of my hard earned money..
    MF always begging, but they sponsors something this big, go to hell.

    1. Why? They help the people no one else wants to help, keep their overhead very low, and generally do an amazing amount of very hard work.
      Unlike the Red Cross that collects a lot of money that then.... Vanishes

    2. they provide housing for the elderly and disabled. their complexes are in great shape and its really a god send in CA.

  6. I'm surprised enough people know who she is.

  7. So what's up with the Sally Anne then?

  8. whats wrong with the salvation army?

  9. @gauloise, Supposedly they don't embrace homosexuality except when they're providing charity to homosexuals, so they must be alt-right hatemongers.

    1. Any Christian is hate-filled, according to the left these days, not understanding that intolerance toward people just because they are religious is in itself a form of bigotry.

    2. not true. some of us respect other peoples beliefs and your overall generalization of people who are on the opposite spectrum reeks@bleu. love the Salvation Army, Goodwill and other charities to help with today's issues that plague our society.

  10. I hope the people who oppose the Salvation Army are picking up the slack that is needed because of the loss of funds. But I think not.

  11. @Guesser

    The whiners never have a solution, just complaints.

  12. Is that it?

    What a bunch of cunts.

    How dare they have differing opinions of something that other more self righteous people have opinions of!!!

    They're quite literally vile Nazis.

    Jesus fucking wept, really though if people are having cuntlip curling over the Sally Anne being Christian and adhering to their belief system, well I pity those fucking retards. Nah sorry I don't, fuck them. Wars aren't won with alternative pronouns. If we've gone that far then I'd gen up on your Mandarin phrases, it will help you with our future Chinese overlords.

  13. I like the Salvation Army. Helped me out from aftermath of an F4 Tornado.

  14. Ah yes, the Sal. My WWII combat vet dad praised the Sal for their generous presence overseas, but panned the Red Cross for their grifting ways.

    My kids went to the after school Sal program for care when I was working.

    A friend in high school's parents were officers in the Sal, and he played his trumpet during the season by the donation bucket.

    Interesting that the Sal is making a splash now. We get a monthly coupon pack in the mail, and there's a plea for clothing donation and 25% off one item of clothing!

    1. Red Cross = a money laundering operation.

    2. they give away groceries on a weekly basis with ling lines, have senior apartments and really help the community.

  15. She's a celeb of course she's going to oppose a GENUINE charity.

    Where's the graft in that?

  16. Careful with those last but two words there, SD, we wouldn't want to upset Ellie Horseface, would we?
