Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 25, 2019

The reporter best friend of the permanent A++ lister says she would have a lot of questions for the disgraced news anchor. Umm, how about all the predators you have said nothing about even though you knew???

Gayle King/Oprah Winfrey/Matt Lauer/Charlie Rose and Harvey Weinstein


  1. Saying nothing or enabling?

  2. Yeah, great how the networks chose to let Epstein keep raping because they were afraid they'd miss out on another fascinating and revealing interview with Will and Kate.

    1. So did the FBI after his arrest in 2008.
      He must have had a handler so why was he allowed to continue with the same crimes he was jailed for?
      Smells a lot like a secret service child sex blackmail set-up.

  3. This might be here to back up Amy Robachs story about Randy Andy and Epstein getting blocked on ABC because of pressure from The Royal Family.

  4. Gayle should interview her best friend Geffen. That would be interesting.

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Gayle King vacations with a pedophile. Why would she want to expose another member of that lifestyle? Somebody should do an article on Gayle and Oprah vacationing with Geffen.

  6. Ann: There have allegations against David Geffen?

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    CDan is where I learned about Geffen.

  8. Ronan Farrow...

    I've said it from the beginning that Harvey Weinstein is a dumb schlub club member positioned to be the necessary patsy. Ronan Farrow is simply using Matt Lauer to protect the friends of his network employers. He learned this trick from his mother... she set Woody Allen up.

    Pedophilia and rape are all about control.

  9. @Me, I award you the gold metal for Mental Gymnastics 🥇

  10. I first learned about Geffen when I heard he was backing Obama over Hillary in the primaries and that was making the sh!t hit the fan in several camps. I'd heard his name before but had no idea he wielded such power in politics.

  11. @Brayson87, that's why LGBT marriages, etc. were approved under Obama. Big gay donors like Geffen.

  12. I have heard stories from people who knew him and worked for him. It's worse than the rumors. I wish I could spill but alas they shoot horses don't they?

  13. Hey,I had it in for Geffen when Cher left Sonny for him. Heard about a lot of shady deals with him in movie and music business. Suspect a lot of money laundering in art,yacht sales. Is he a pedo as well? No smoking gun,seems to favor "barely legal" types, he does have enough money to buy off anyone.

  14. Geffens is one of the dirtiest and he holds a lot of powerful peoples not so secret but definetly shady and hedonistic lifestyles in his grimey wrinkled claws. All those European yacht trips with Gayle and Opie, and many others will some day come back on them. Those NDAs don’t cover dead people.. cameras may not be allowed but there photos.
