Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

February 5, 2013

Talk about being on the down low. This is the first time I have heard about this almost A list movie and television actress who has always tried to stay out of the press and be squeaky clean do anything scandalous.   She has made her name lately in movies but when the world finds out about her fling with her very married television co-star, people are going to start talking about our actress in a way they have not before.

Kerry Washington/Tony Goldwyn (I can't believe I hadn't revealed this before. This was the first time I wrote about them)


  1. Yet amazingly after about a thousand blinds about these two nobody seems to have found out about them and they remain a secret to the entire world except us privileged readers and commenters.😇😘

  2. I can't believe we're still hearing about them 6 years later 😅

  3. The blog started in November I think the exact day is November 20th.

  4. Are any of Kerry’s babies Tony’s? It’s be pretty easy to tell since well, her exfootballer ‘husband’ is a lot darker than her & Tony ofc very white.

    I googled Tony Goldwyn’s longtime wife...there isn’t a way in hell his wife ISNT a lesbian.

  5. @notthisagain I agree. Goldwyn's wife sure looks handsome :)

  6. I want to see these two finally get together and be happy and full of joy !

  7. Interesting. But why all the subterfuge?

  8. Plot twist- Kerry Washington is actually hooking up with the "Handsome" wife of Tony Goldwyn, and she sends these blinds herself to keep everyone confused!

  9. hahah his wife does remind me of Cherry Jones

  10. Holy sh!t, never saw his spouse before, pretty sure he's the wife in that relationship.

  11. Reading about him, he sounds like someone compensating for an awful lot of evil doings.

  12. yawn fest. what's up with mama june? hahahaha

  13. Auntliddy-- that's the multimillion dollar question!

  14. Actually,@Vita, Kerry's husband has been rumored to be gay as well. There has always been rumors about Tony being the Father of at least one child. Kerry Washington has always tried to present herself a certain way. She wants to be a role model. And yes, Tony's older wife is very "handsome" , but apparently never attempts to look even slightly feminine. Kerry looks glam even in casual clothes. As opposite as can be.

  15. Tony is gay and his wife is gay. (They both used to hang around cape cods queer club in the 80s.) Washington's husband is gay. Which makes me think she is prob gay too. Sometimes gays play really good straight roles.
