Saturday, November 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 19, 2019

If you look into not just one, but two of the shell companies investing in a new design business, you will find the footprint of the celebrity CEO. He is either smitten or making a deal with the devil.

Emma Coronel Aispuro/Elon Musk


  1. With Musk, C) All of the Above is another likely option, no?

  2. She looks like Octomum.

    1. Agreed. She has been described in print as gorgeous but I fail to comprehend why.

  3. Of course he is Entwat, he is going to risk every federal govt contract he has worth billions just to fuck some whore from the drug cartel. But keep feeding the QuAnon you useless POS

  4. Musk was fined millions because of a dumb tweet joke to Grimes. He still has it for Amber. He was hanging out with Azealia Banks. Not sure why anyone would think he is rational when it comes to women.

  5. Musk is still with Grimes, and she even introduced him during the cyber truck reveal.

  6. Control of all Deep State/Cabal satellites was taken over by the Trump administration a year and a half ago.

    Since then.... Elon Musk and satellites.... available for use and ostensibly free of govt control.
    Or so it was hoped by the Cabal.
    Not sure how things are going to turn out for Elon. If he made a deal with the devil he might not even survive what's coming.

    1. I'd like to know what this even means, monkeyweather.
      It seems if a person really believes what they're saying they wouldn't have to speak in ominous riddles

  7. Y’all can say WHAT YOU WANT...
    As someone who has first hand knowledge of Elon and he works.. y’all truly don’t give him credit. I’m grabbing my popcorn.. sooo ready to enjoy the show!!

  8. Emma Coronel was beautiful, then, has started to do plastic surgery..
