Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Dr. Date Rape

Once again, a first person account that I lightly edited to remove the names of other victims, locations of homes and made blind.

When I was a teenage housekeeper on my own at 15 in Marina Del Rey, I met more than a handful of sexual predators..One was an ER doctor who had recurring segments on a network news program.  He was a predator who also lived by the beach. This pedophile used his hospital ID to get me to trust him and he offered me a housecleaning job. When I went to estimate his home, he gave me a couple glasses of wine and promptly asked if I knew what the white powder substance was that he pulled out of his pocket.

I was 15 and I wasn't sure.

He said it was pharmaceutical cocaine and its harmless, he wanted to wake me up because the wine was strong & I guess I was acting drunk. He put on Led Zeppelin's "House Of The Holy" LP and proceeded to play it repeatedly while he started massaging me and kissing me. He also then offered me a half of a pill which he also described as "harmless" and told me it was a Quaalude. He pulled it out of a giant jar.. like a vitamin jar that read "methaqualone" on it. Before long, he gave me the other half while he continued pouring wine and giving "toots" of cocaine to me to keep me awake. Next thing I know, we are on the floor, him still massaging and I cannot get up, and I got really scared because my hands locked up. I could not close my fist or bend my fingers I was becoming paralyzed!

I told him my concern and he said "it's ok it happens sometimes" and he carried me off to his room where he repeatedly raped me all night. Next day I couldn't walk, he wanted to give me a shot of some sort to help me heal quicker but I refused. He told me to just stay there & I could live in his home and have his office as my room, so I stayed, as I was a run away. After he starved me for about 2 weeks and he was always at work round the clock, I ended up eating the last of his grandmother's quiche which upon discovery threw him into a rage I've never seen. He screamed at me to move out immediately and I begged for a couple more days, which he agreed to. His sister lived next door on a joined property. We had an arrangement that I watch her place for her while she went out of town. During that last couple days I forgot about the arrangement and I was so depressed and hopeless that I tried to kill myself with a big bottle of pills. I couldn't find the methaqualone but I found a big jar of something in the bathroom, I ate 2 handfuls, put "Journey/ Departure" cassette tape in my Walkman and cranked it up while I started slipping away.. suddenly the sister started knocking.. today she was leaving and I was to meet her beforehand to get the key. The room was spinning but she kept knocking and then came in! I pretended I was asleep so she tried to wake me, then she called her brother & asked him what to do. I had no choice but to get up and try to convince her that all was fine which I did but had REAL TROUBLE walking her to the door, also when she walked out, she noticed when I slammed my whole hand in the door & quickly reopened to pull it out.

I couldn't feel anything. She asked if I was ok and I said "yes" . I went to lay back down & passed out. I woke up at 8:pm on the hour SO SICK & DIZZY I couldn't even crawl straight to the toilet I was crawling into the wall missing the doorway the room was spinning so bad but I found the toilet in time to vomit which was a big accomplishment because I was determined not to make a mess when I checked out.

I will never forget waking up with shag carpet in my mouth (breathing face down?) As the toilet rug had become my pillow.

I looked at the clock which was said 9:pm again, on the hour! I barfed profusely again and passed out, waking up EVERY HOUR, ON THE HOUR, ALL NIGHT LONG to vomit until I lost consciousness again. Somewhere in the middle of it all I woke up freezing cold and the room not spinning as bad.. I can't remember what hour, maybe 4:am? I had been throwing up every hour for probably 8 hours by then, so that's my guess. After 8 hours at the foot of his toilet (glad I had recently cleaned it beforehand) I was finally able to get up and crawl back to the sofa, where I passed out again, but continued waking on the hour to throw up and able to crawl back n forth to sofa. I survived the night! I was unkillable!! Now what?? All I knew is I had to get away from "Dr Date Rape"
I went on the streets and suffered with no safe place to sleep or food but I had my life still and he couldn't hurt me anymore.. or could he?

About a year or so later I had discovered that many of my teenage friends had also met him. He made moves on all of them including C who confirmed to me that Dr. Date Rape was successful at date raping our (then 15 year old) friend L.. Like me, she would allow them to pour the drinks up but she really couldn't handle her booze at all. Once about 5 or 6 of us teenagers realized what a sick predator that this "DOCTOR" was, we decided to play a trick on him and show up at his doorstep to call him out as a pervert! He was home and happy to see us all! Quickly inviting us in.. but our plan to confront him was foiled, when a couple girls started eating the Quaaludes he was dishing out ..and drinking the wine he poured! (I was pocketing the pills so I could trade them for food or $ to my older friends to help my survival between housecleaning jobs) 3 of the girls went with him into his office (where I OD'd) and they closed the door ..staying in there a long time.

We had already been doing cocaine, ludes & wine so I got a sick feeling that he was shooting them up with cocaine as I had found his vile of liquid cocaine and his used syringes in the trash  back when I cleaned his home. I left the party disgusted that my underage friends were possibly partaking in his delights and that he was able to use his drugs again to "control". I wanted no part of it and I walked home to an apartment where I had a room. I had recently turned 16 years old and I was drunk from the wine so I fell asleep quickly. Next thing I knew, a stranger had broken into the apartment and was climbing in bed with me and grabbing me! I screamed but no one was home yet from Dr. Date Rape's place. The stranger tried to rape me but somehow I got up in the bed on my knees and though it was very dark, at that moment, I could see the outline of this man's head from the light outside my window, so I punched as hard as I could and hit him square in the nose! He cried out in pain! I jumped up, switched on the light.. guess who was holding his bloody nose in his hands? Doctor Date Rape!! Now he has gone to NEW LEVELS OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Even I was SHOCKED.. I screamed at him to leave and I ran to the door but he ran out first so I locked it (again) and waited for my friends/ roommates to come home. Next morning guess who was knocking at my door again..pounding! Yep, you guessed it.. Dr Date Rape! He had the nerve to yell at me on my front doorstep..

"I helped you when you had nowhere to go!!" His nose was swollen looking.  I was scared that he may have had a syringe or gun in his pocket because he was very angry. I had the front door on a chain lock and he demanded to come in trying to push his way in but the chain stopped him. I threatened that if he didn't leave I'd call the cops and tell them EVERYTHING. He did leave. A year or so later I was stuck going to a hospital after a terrible burn I got. By misfortune, Dr. Date Rape was working the ER that day.. he treated me..LIKE SHIT. He waited and waited taking forever to look at the burn. I had to ask the nurse twice to please hurry him as I was in excruciating pain and a giant blister was developing. He refused to bring me anything to cool the burn and he refused any pain meds. I had to ask the nurse to give me wet paper towels to soothe the burn as I waited endlessly for him to actually to his job. As I left, I couldn't help but shout "where's all your Quaaludes now ..when I really need one??"

I saw him one last time as C and I were walking down an alley behind his beachfront home. His BMW was parked in front of his garage. C was telling me how he kicked her out after she tried to get her friend L to leave with her because it was getting late.. and the 3 of them had lots of wine & pills that night. She told me that he had molested 15 year old L in his Jacuzzi at his new home. I was disgusted and C being humorous saw a newspaper & some dog poop on the ground. We were right next to his BMW and she took the newspaper, grabbed the poop & quickly smeared it on his beautiful car.. unfortunately, he was coming out of the garage and caught C! He chased us both down the alley calling her a bitch and he kicked her quite hard in her 15 year old butt! Once again, we should've reported him but we were afraid of his money and his power over people with his drugs and his position as a prominent ER Doctor in the area.. he would often brag.. " Everyone knows me. So we felt even the Cops were his Pals. We kept it among ourselves.

My helpers at CAST assisted me in making a police report on him.. they found out by Google search, he is an actor now! WOW! (ugh) After SO many years of guilt for keeping quiet, I have finally told the authorities. 


  1. Drugged and repeatedly raped, but begged to stay? That was when I tapped out.
    Total fiction or total crazy.

    Find someone better to spend the Himmmm budget on.

    1. Yup...I didnt know we had reached the level of fan fiction at this point..pretty spot on memory to be so drugged but what do I know ..

  2. well it’s not Dr. Frank Field that I know is fact! What doctors were on tv in Los Angeles about 20 years ago.?

  3. An actor who is a practicing MD? I skimmed straight to the bottom. I got nothing

  4. Seems possibly verifiable if reports were made.

    @Count, It's junkie/runaway logic.

  5. Jesus, don't tell a gossip site. Tell the frigging cops!!

  6. Please god not ken jeong...

    1. He is too young. RX quaaludes and the Walkman put this no later than the early 80’s. Ken is about the same age as the victim.

  7. If you made it to the last sentence it says she has.

  8. I think this was Trapper John McIntyre. They whisked him out of Korea really quick. I bet he was drugging and wiggle dunking wetties from the nearby village, and he picked right back up in California.

    Outside shot it was Col. Potter, but I didn't read far enough into the blind to see if droopy gray haired balls are a trigger.

  9. Doctor Bombay no doubt.

  10. A real doctor who lives in Marina Del Ray, there must be 100's of them.

    No clue.

  11. Ooh J, a Bewitched reference?!

    I'm impressed and not a little aroused!

  12. Wow! Only person that seems to fit is Ken Jeong

  13. In that case Emergency, come right away.

    1. J! I loved Dr. Bombay and Endora - Derwood was a tad annoying....

  14. @brayson: True junkies never pretend to be plied w/ drugs. That is more for chicks who are mental patients who happen to do drugs. "There was cocaine in the room, so I was drugged and forced." is such transparent bullshit. Drugs for Sex is Bartering, not Date Rape.

  15. You broke into my house, tried to rape me, and so I screamed "hey got a quaalude?"

  16. @Count, Yeah I think we all sighed when we read, "When I was a teenage housekeeper on my own at 15 in Marina Del Rey, I met more than a handful of sexual predators." Right honey, you were a 15 yr old housekeeper, what kind of clients hire a 15 yr old runaway to just clean their homes?

    But still 15 is 15.

  17. Can you picture Jeong as a Zeppelin fan?

    I can't.

    Styx? Yeah. Zep? Nah.

  18. I remember Art Ulene on the Today Show for years but he seems too old.

    Looking at Jeong's bio, I see Internal Medicine but no ER

  19. Is this a new Dancing Boy?.....

  20. The only Physician I know is Ken Jeong from the Hangover. I hope its not him.

  21. @Drew and @Lady
    I got my first walkman at christmas in 1980 which was the TPS-L2 and was the first person I knew to have it.
    The quaalude disappeared from use in the early 80s - it wasn't illegal until 1984...but you couldn't get it for several years prior because pharmacies quit carrying it.
    Which puts this blind squarely about 1980 to 1983...
    and therefore - the doctor has to have been at least in his 30s to be on the news as an he was born at least 1950 or prior...

    Jeong is way too young
    Even creepy Dr. oz is not old enough....

  22. Replies
    1. You are not far off. He got me drunk and the Rainbow Room and tried to have sex with me knowing I was 14.

    2. I think you mean The Rainbow Bar and Grill.

    3. @Ladybugmo1 Are you referring to Bruce Handel?

  23. Andrew Ordon? The age fits with timeline. He did tv commentary in early 80’s in LA (Entertainment Tonight) area. Worked at LSC USC medical center for residency in early 80’s. Ludes were an early 80’s thing for sure. How loosely is actor being applied. The icing on the cake is he is a professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

  24. Anonymous12:35 PM

    She says herself that a lot of the girls partook willing. This is obviously the late 70s to early 80s and once again this Boomer Queen has to remind everyone that this is just the way it was. L.A. was full of willing teenage girls and boys. The late Boomers were being lured in by the earlier Boomers (hippies) and by those who lured the hippies. And stop typing I'm not saying it was right. It was gross. It was creepy. It was the way it was. I also suspect in this case we are not hearing the entire story.

  25. Fake, fake, fake. And a boring, poorly written one at that.

  26. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Dr. Art Ulene fits better than any other guess. Correct age and already on tv by the time this alleged activity took place. There is also surprisingly little about him online which in the case of these old show biz guys sometimes means they are laying low to not attract to much attention to their past.

  27. @ Count Jerkula you are a complete a-hole who doesn't understand a damn thing. Desperate runaways, probably leaving abused, neglected, drug-addicted homes... maybe already molested or assaulted. You think they deserve this even if if happened more than once? THIS is her reality, she is desperate, lost, confused. HE as the 'upstanding citizen' should know better than to feed sad teens drugs and he misrepresents and then rape them. There is a VICTIM mentality and it doesn't mean that someone who 'emanates' i've been abused and am prey should BE SO to a predator. You are a heartless, dick. Bet you think POOR TRUMP, too.

    1. Is kiki the lousy author or an easily triggered mark?

      "Her reality" may be it. In her reality saying "hey you want some blow and ludes?" Is being drugged. In non mental patient reality, being drugged is getting a funny tasting glass of wine and waking up 6hrs later w/ sore pussy and pooper.

      I cant wait until the update telling us we are weeks away from the Dr being perp walked in shackles for hordes of new cameras.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Did Art Ulene become an actor and still acts though? He may fit the timeline but I don’t know him as an actor.

  30. I knew Ken before he got famous, and didn't even know he was famous until I reconnected with some of my old friends. I did stand up with him in New Orleans in the early 90s. He was a practicing physician and very moderate. I didn't drink or do drugs and paid attention to what was going on around me. I can't even imagine this being him.

  31. @MissDavie - Agreed this seems like Arthur Ulene MD "America's Doctor"...who was a gynecologist dishing advice about lots of stuff....on the Today Show and on ABC. He is also listed in "American board of Sexology" along with Dr. Ruth...he was 40 in the right age.

    not an ER doctor exactly but gotta give the victim some leeway since she was all drugged up...

  32. and seriously...some judicious editing with a hedgeclipper could have made this a lot more readable. it needs about 75% fewer words.

  33. Come oooon! Quaaludes and coke? That's really really 80's guys. Someone go back that far please!

  34. Yep. This is my first post declaring bullshit on any of the CDCN stuff.
    There's way too much detail and specificity for a drugged up victim.
    "Raped repeatedly", yet begged to stay. Not buying it. This is a fictitious blind.

    1. Begging to stay seems like it would be consenting.

  35. Bruce Hensel

    1. Everything fits. He even did some acting.

  36. +1 no, Wow that story is fresh, he was arrested today 5 min after this blind was posted. Enty's got the spooky skills 👻

  37. Contacting a minor w/ intent to commit a sex act? Probably a case of internet entrapment.

    1. Wow..never thought I'd say this
      But losing respect for the Count.

    2. Weather entrapment or not doesn't change the fact that he had the intention of messing with a minor. You. Count Jerkula are living up to your name and do not seem very smart at all.

  38. ...and with that, CDaN has officially jumped the shark.

    I don't think many ER doctors are going to ask a 15 year old for an estimate on housekeeping, or that someone that age even knows what an estimate entails.

    EVERY HOUR, ON THE HOUR, ALL NIGHT LONG such a regimented overdose vomiting schedule, very impressive!

    This sounds like someone is proving that they can submit fiction and get it published here where people will actually buy into it.


    1. good guess apricot. 9 year old kid but it does not say anything about acting. geezer is 71 ffs!!

  40. was just coming back here to post the same thing.
    Bruce hensel....shame shame.

  41. Anonymous5:06 PM

    This has got to be Dr. Bruce Hensel. Everything fits. Great find Apricot29.

  42. This story was on Enty's podcast over the weekend. Maybe that has something to do with the timing of the arrest. If you listened you know what I mean

  43. It's Dr. Bruce Hensel. NBC. I knew him around. And he drove a BMW.

  44. Blogger Count Jerkula said...
    Drugged and repeatedly raped, but begged to stay? That was when I tapped out.
    Total fiction or total crazy.

    Find someone better to spend the Himmmm budget on.

    10:15 AM


    I vote for crazy and now older and trying to ease her conscience a bit.

  45. The perpetrator in this story could not be arrested for this crime in California. They did not remove the statute of limitations for this until 2016 to be applied in 2017. This is why Bill Cosby's civil case from the alleged Playboy Mansion drugging and rape of a 15-year-old is not a criminal case.

    This is assuming that Enty did not change the drug type and Walkman instead of Ipod along with other details to throw off the decade.

  46. Blogger kiki71 said...
    @ Count Jerkula you are a complete a-hole who doesn't understand a damn thing. Desperate runaways, probably leaving abused, neglected, drug-addicted homes... maybe already molested or assaulted. You think they deserve this even if if happened more than once? THIS is her reality, she is desperate, lost, confused. HE as the 'upstanding citizen' should know better than to feed sad teens drugs and he misrepresents and then rape them. There is a VICTIM mentality and it doesn't mean that someone who 'emanates' i've been abused and am prey should BE SO to a predator. You are a heartless, dick. Bet you think POOR TRUMP, too.

    Why am I picturing some Subaru driving ham planet frantically pounding on the keyboard of her life partners laptop.

  47. you guys are freaking hilarious.

  48. Wow the news tonight--Bruce Hensel, it's all over social media ---a friend of Adam Schiff--attended numerous events with Schiff, his 50th birthday,pics, etc...

    Enty --and his brave source bless her... nailed this one !

  49. Leave Ken Jeong alone. He's admirable.
    and ludes and cocaine were a mid '70s thing to my mind.

  50. @s.s. omg maybe there's more to this than meets the eye. Great sleuthing

  51. And another vote for the awesomeness of Dr. Bombay!

  52. Another predatory jew preying on gentile girls?

  53. No for the win!!! Hansel is an ER doc - board certified, which usually translates to ER is his "thing", and he acted on the soap Capitol - and won 11 Emmys.

  54. Enty confirmed on tonight's podcast

  55. It's not Ken. He's a good guy.

    It must be that Bruce person.

  56. Yes, the woman's story sounds entirely believable to me.

    He made it to age 71 before being arrested? Gawd. And he faces at most 18 months in prison. Hopefully his reputation will be ruined.

    I think what trips up these perverts in the age of social media is that they're so lazy they do all their trolling on-line and leave a huge electronic trail of evidence.

    Boo to the parents of the 9 year old, why are they letting their daughter meet 71 year old perverts on-line? IOW why is she on-line unsupervised?

    As for Ken Jeong, while he may be a good guy he is an AWFUL actor and comic. I cringe whenever I watch The Masked Singer because he's frantically mugging hoping that he comes across as funny and he just comes across as trying too hard.

  57. OMG that's the Serovital guy, with the infomercials for that youth serum. I see him all the time on a cable channel. He's got a really creepy face, not pervert creepy just ... weird, like he's had very bad plastic surgery.

  58. @MissDavie...
    I give you props for saying "this is just the way it was at the time". A quibble tho - if this girl was 15 in the early 80s, she was not a "late boomer", but GenX, born after 1965. But yes, "Me Generation" Boomer parents viewed their GenX children as afterthoughts as the media told them it was more important for them to go "find themselves". Children were considered a distant afterthought, if they were considered at all. Families were abandoned as divorce rates skyrocketed. Thus all the runaways at the time.

  59. Could it be this guy? Bruce Hensell? Age fits ER past fits and just been arrested

  60. Hensel used to live in Marina del Rey. All of those calling bullshit from the beginning should go to hell. It's just this attitude that victims are willing and children know nothing that is at the heart of the sickness of this prey-on-the-weak society that poisons the rest of the planet.

    The maximum penalty for that slime is also only 18 months. The society is only vindictive towards its weak members, too.

    1. IF he is guilty of the crime he was arrested for, that doesnt mean this story has any validity.

      And who is letting 9y/os have social media?

  61. Anonymous9:03 AM

    It's Hensel. He was an ER physician and he also lived in the vicinity the victim talks about. Were some of you dropped on your heads? The stories that runaways tell about being exploited and abused include staying with their abusers. They have nowhere else to live. How sad that a victim is victimized twice. I've seen horrendous injuries that you can't comprehend how one human could do this to another human.

  62. A lot of you guys seem so pissed since she willingly was taking the drugs and going back. While I would agree to some degree - you have to take a look at the era and the age. I'm assuming this is 70's 80's which is definitely not a time where people were taking down predators or even establishing what a predator was. It was a different time, it still doesn't make it right. To me, this is another example of how long these predators in a powerful position have been around doing the same shit and lingering the young people who come from a broken background. She may have gone back but she's still 15, like what's wrong with this dude that he's a doctor who's giving drugs to way underage orphan girls and taking advantage of them while they're high?

    Now that we're so open and in the know about situations like these, it probably wasn't until later in life that this woman even realized to herself that she was dealing with a predator.

  63. I am friends with the story teller and I can tell you it is absolutely true. She is a good person that was taken advantage of at a young age ans unfortunately just didn't have a good foundation about relations between men and women then add drugs and just trying to make it on her own.

    1. This makes it sound like she was getting molested at home and fled.

      She still willingly took the drugs and willingly banged the dude for a place to stay.

    2. Please give her a hug and to remain strong!!!!

    3. A CHILD can't willingly consent Count.
      But you know that...right?

  64. You know why most teens dont tell? Just read this comment section.

  65. I'm confused. Is this the same person who wrote the Tom Lynch blind? They both take place in Marina del Ray, but very different eras.

  66. Coco said...
    A lot of you guys seem so pissed since she willingly was taking the drugs and going back. While I would agree to some degree - you have to take a look at the era and the age. I'm assuming this is 70's 80's which is definitely not a time where people were taking down predators or even establishing what a predator was. It was a different time, it still doesn't make it right. To me, this is another example of how long these predators in a powerful position have been around doing the same shit and lingering the young people who come from a broken background. She may have gone back but she's still 15, like what's wrong with this dude that he's a doctor who's giving drugs to way underage orphan girls and taking advantage of them while they're high?

    Now that we're so open and in the know about situations like these, it probably wasn't until later in life that this woman even realized to herself that she was dealing with a predator.

    Going to have to respectfully disagree here.

    Women have been banging older men in exchange for drugs and alcohol for years, and it will continue long after all of us are gone.

    This subject of this blind and her friends are far from victims, nothing more than party girls and coke whores who knew what they were doing, knew what the risks were and didn't care.

  67. How many 15 year olds in the early 1980s were completely aware of what drugs and qualludes do to you? We are not talking about the post-Reagan (War on Drugs) post-internet generation here. Why would a 15 year old not take them if they are asked by a adult they thought was both trustworthy and who is pretending to give them the shelter they desperately seek?

    As for the jerk, he’s always been a jerk. He’d always blame the victims (15 year olds but not their adult peeps, parents who might have let their 9 year olds access internet but never the creeps who contact them) Many of you thought he was being facetious and diabolically funny. Nope, that’s exactly what he believes. He is a pedo-apologist.

    Hey JerkC, here’s the deal: any man or woman who uses mind-control substances (alcohol, drugs etc) before having sex with a man/woman/child isn’t looking for consent. Now tell me what sex without consent is? Someone making a foolish decision and someone deliberately committing a crime are two very different things.

    1. Well said Red Robin.
      Starting to feel a little bit of sick in my mouth at some of the Count's posts.
      But I suppose his drug addled mind is pretty messed up in a lot of ways.
      Shame really because some of his posts made me laugh.

  68. Great post Entry - Bruce Hensel busted!!!
