Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Today's Blind Items - More To The Story

As I have told you in the past, the billionaire pedophile spent some time with the second in line too. One of the pedophiles best friends was the maid of honor at the the first wedding and another was in the second wedding. The pedophile and the second in line spent time together, but it was much more discreet. Now, if the second in line, when they become the person in charge tries to cut off the sibling/essentially exile him and cut off the salaries of the nieces, you will see a flood of leaks designed to get them to step down from being the person in charge. After all those years of waiting, my guess is they will let things stand and just ignore the situation. 


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Prince Charles*

  2. Epstein and prince Charles

  3. Replies
    1. Epstein
      Eugenie and Beatrice- Charles has mentioned that he wants to trim the spending when he is in charge

  4. Epstein and Prince Charles

  5. India Hicks for the bridesmaid to Diana

    1. Good job....she's also 678th Lin line to the throne!
      Lolz these Royals!

  6. OMG I cannot wait to see how season 10 of The Crown deals with this 😂😂

  7. I get that this is charles but...how is he "second in line"?

  8. The Queen is at the head of the line is my guess.

  9. Charles is first in line. If you make stuff up you have to do this part correctly. Having said that,it won't surprise me if this is mostly true. Albert surely has stuff on Charles.

    1. It's Edward. Albert is of Monaco.

  10. William is second in line.

    For fucks sake Enty if you are going to keep doing these blinds on the Royal Family then at least look up the fucking line of succession.

    I mean, its not even difficult to figure out without a fifteen second Google.

  11. Charles would be first in line.

    "At present the first in line is Charles, Prince of Wales, followed by his eldest son, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and then Prince William's son, Prince George of Cambridge."

  12. maybe entern is a foreigner and became confused between the English words for "next" and "second"...
    just spitballin

  13. Charles is first in line but I would imagine this is him being described since William has only had one wedding.

  14. It's Charles as he's the second after the Queen, who's first.

  15. @Boldblonde The Queen isn't first in line she already IS the reigning monarch making Charles first in line.

  16. There was a Charles Windsor listed in Epstein flight log.

  17. POOF! My brain is now fried. How does a creep pedo infiltrate so deeply into the upper-echelon of the world?? He was a math teacher in Brooklyn for goodness sake. Dude had some serious backers to do what he did. Interesting story on pagesix today about pinhole cameras all over his nyc mansion. There must be massive amounts of footage out there, the kind that the rich,corrupt, and powerful will never allow to see the light of day.

    1. Secret religion they are all part of

  18. Lil' Prince George???

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Definitely Prince Charles. You can find the name of "Charles Windsor" on the manifests for Epstein's plane. Let's not forget Charles's longstanding friendship with that other British pedophile. Two pedophile friendships isn't a coincidence.

  20. Charles has many links to paedophiles Jimmy Savile, Bishop Ball and someone who worked for him, Birds of a feather and all that.

  21. Plus wasnt his mentor Lord Mountbatten also into boys before he was blown up?

    1. Blown up for him abusing boys at Kincora children's home.
      His father has a leather bound child porn book in the British library.

  22. @BoldBlonde

    The Queen can't be first in line when she's already on the throne. The first in line means the next one to be crowned when the reigning monarch abdicates or dies.

  23. I'm so over these posts.

  24. This post was a mess. I am guessing that it is about Andrew and Charles back in the day. When Prince Andrew WAS second in line.
    So first wedding to Diana,Princess of Wales and the second wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles.

    Diana had a “chief bridesmaid” and not a Maid Of Honor. They only do little kids as attendants over there. It is starting to change, Pippa Middleton,yada,yada. So, was it India Hicks for Charles and Diana? I don’t know who was at the wedding to Camilla.

    What I am getting from this garbled mess is that Andrew has the goods on Charles via his old pal Epstein, Charles announced some time ago that when he comes to the throne, he wants the gravy train to end for his siblings and Whomever else is around. Andrew wants the gravy train to continue and now has blackmail material on his brother.

    Dangerous game.

  25. I think it is Charles, although he is as many have said, first in line. I also think it is a India Hicks, one of Charles godchildren who is part wild/part batty. She was pretty wilful growing up. There are plenty of skeletons in the royal closet but I don’t think Charles is a paedophile, although he has rubbed shoulders with them. Like many younger royal siblings that skip from number 2 in line to move further down, Andrew is arrogant, with a huge ego and sense of entitlement. Princess Margaret was the same, and a Harry displays some of those traits. Andrew will not go quietly. He believes his two daughters, as the only princesses of royal blood (nit marriage) in the BRF deserve income from the Duchy of Lancaster (the Queen’s income which she uses to fund Andrew and family) and/or to be on the civil list/sovereign grant. Andrew and his ex Fergie have a lot more to hide than the Epstein links, and I wouldn’t put it past them to blackmail Charles to keep things quiet and the money flowing. It may not be until William is in the throne that a real clear out of the hangers on can happen.

  26. 27steps, You’re right about British weddings. Having multiple adult bridesmaids is considered very down market, the higher the number of adult bridesmaids the more trashy, like a gypsy wedding. We sometimes have a sinking as the one bridesmaid (also known as matron of honour if she is married), but often it is a teenager in that role, who corrals the children fulfilling the roles of bridesmaids/flower girls and pageboys. These are the bride and groom’s godchildren or children of siblings or friends. I was a bridesmaid 9 times from 3 to 11 years old, and I had child bridesmaids and pages at my wedding.

  27. Its about to get real. Real ugly.

  28. What a wonderful family. Is this a recent corruption or is it just how they've always behaved?

  29. Don't think Charles is going to sit on the throne. Not mentally healthy. Evidence? his face. Don't think he ever got over Diana's death and his part.

  30. This is the juciest blind we've had in a long time!

    As for Andrew blackmailing Charles - we'll see. I think that interview may have put a noose around Andrew's neck. He certainly had the look of someone who realized the interview was a bad idea in one clip I saw. He looked so resigned. And I'm thinking if law enforcement closes in, he'll kill himself rather than go to prison. (Or maybe Dad will do it for him.)

  31. Too many factual errors!

  32. The Queen isn't IN line - she has the title. Charles is first, Wills is second. FFS.

  33. My kindergarten students would say Charles is second in line- meaning the queen is the line leader and Charles is behind her. Dont know who would be the caboose, though! Just a little teacher humor.

  34. @shakey. Have to agree with you that Andrew’s interview put a noose around his neck. Would not surprise me to hear he met with an “unfortunate accident” within the next six months or so. His self entitlement and arrogance are unbelievable but I guess that’s how he was raised.

  35. Enty's blind is saying two different attendants at Charles and Diana's wedding were involved with Epstein.

    "One of the pedophiles best friends was the maid of honor at the first wedding and ANOTHER (emphasis mine) was in the second. wedding."

    First of all, Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones was the primary attendant at the first wedding. She was 17 at the time and is Princess Margaret's daughter. She is a classy lady, discrete, and I'd bet a LOT of money on this, wouldn't have a flipping thing to do with Epstein. She doesn't run in those circles. She's a traditional, upper crust, English woman.

    India Hicks was 11 at the time of the first wedding and was, indeed, an attendant, but not the primary one.

    India was AT the second wedding, to Camilla, but she wasn't IN it. Charles and Camilla represented themselves. Their witnesses were Prince William and her son Tom Parker-Bowles.

    And finally, punctuation police here, but an apostrophe is needed in "one of the pedophile's best friends".

    In other words, this entire blind, from start to finish, is hogwash.

  36. George Brett is still my favorite Royal.

  37. Pinhole cameras all over a mansion would be absolutely useless. A pinhole camera is only good for a short period to time to allow light to penetrate a negative and imprint an image.

  38. When will people realise they're all cut from the same cloth? Meanwhile, Queenie has turned a blind eye to more than one scandal yet she gets a pass. I don't care enough to look, but I'm sure someone who did Charles' astrological chart said he'd be in the role for just a short period before handing it over to William whose tenure is also short.

  39. Trying to distract with the numbers business?
    It's Charles and he's a pedo pos like his brother.

  40. This is described as second in line but that’s William- but this about Charles & Epstein.

  41. It's Prince Andrew who was 2nd in line to the throne.

  42. Anonymous2:19 AM

    This is how I read this;
    Second in line: Prince William
    First Wedding: Kate and William
    Maid of Honor: Pippa Middleton
    Second Wedding: Meghan and Harry
    Participant of second wedding: Prince Charles

  43. @Dark and Stormy,

    Now that's an interesting suggestion. I can see Pippa running in these circles. She married into the Matthews family, and from what I read on gossip sites, her father-in-law at least is a sketchy character.

    Thanks for providing a fresh perspective!

  44. Any Lady Victoria Hervey guesses?

    She's in the DM staying at Epstein's at her friend Ghislaine Maxwell's invitiation.

    She's been named the royal yachter before.

  45. If enty just referred to Charles as second in line, that's fucking retarded.
    Delete the post and start again ffs.

  46. ALL WRONG. Firstly, the garbled MESS of "second in line" etc. is almost too much. GET IT RIGHT.

    Secondly; Diana didn't have a maid of honour. People have mentioned India Hicks. SHE WAS 13 YEARS OLD AT THE TIME! She wasn't Epstein's "friend." Diana didn't have a maid of honour. Tradition is a few young girls, that's all. Nothing else.

    This story is utter NONSENSE if the "facts" it is "based on" are anything to go by.

  47. no attendants at charles' second wedding.

  48. The person of this blind is Charles.

    Enty wrote: “…if the second in line [Charles], when they become the person in charge tries to cut off the sibling [Andrew]/essentially exile him and cut off the salaries of the nieces [the York daughters].…” This is the only combination with nieces that makes sense.

    I think that Charles does have a lot to hide. It will be interesting to see what turns up.

    [Hands up if you think he is gay/bisexual.] ✋

  49. @Dark and Stormy , I agree with your interpretation. This is about William and Harry and how Harry was going to engineer himself to be king. Has the plot has been foiled?

  50. Charles was friends with Jimmy Savile and Thomas Hamilton

  51. It's Epstein and Randy Andy. RA just got kicked out of Buckingham Palace by the Queen.

  52. @Jan 15

    My hand is up.

    I believe other royals will be implicated. I'm not convinced they didn't know about Jimmy Saville.
