Monday, December 02, 2019

Blind Item #11

This B/B- list singer who has just had middling success is on the whole Jingle Ball tour. He was strung out on coke during sound check for one of the shows and he is young, but that teen he was with couldn't have been more than a sophomore in high school.


  1. AJ is on the bill in Tampa and 18 and I don't know who he is😥

  2. Probably AJ Mitchell,but an 18 year old dating a 16 year old is not blind worthy. But an 18 already coked while starting a tour,that is.

  3. Yeesh, he's going to need a new nose in his 20's. If he's only 18 then we'd need a card check on the girl before making a ruling.

  4. Aj Mitchell? This is sad. He's so young and seems like a nice guy.

  5. The age of consent is 16 in most states, and that's the age you turn in 10th grade of hs. That being said have you seen some of these teenage girls today?! I was a teen girl in the early 00's and the biggest scandal then was getting your tongue or belly button pierced! That's very mild compared to all the Kardashian inspired 100 lbs of makeup and T & A out wearing see thru tops and dresses with snapchat and instagram filters. Some of these girls know exactly what they are doing, its their parents jobs to guide them into having morals and decency. Sadly i'm seeing a lot more people are apparently like Courtney Stodden's parents than Danny Tanner though!

  6. The answer above is clearly very uninformed, here’s a history lesson.
    I was a teen in the 90’s, and we were able to get any drug, fuck whomever, and barely wore clothes. It was the same in the 80’s, and I’m so over everyone pretending today’s youth is so terrible, and it’s the kardashians fault. People totally choose to forget about the short shorts, minidresses and tube tops of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Everyone wore a ton of makeup back then too. People forget the drug culture, and that drinking age was 18. Everyone drank years before that. Do you know anything about the roaring 20’s? flapper dresses? If you were a teen in the 00’s, you were not the first to wear a crop top. Not the first to show cleavage, not the first to pierce, or tattoo. It’s always been this way. Teens exploring, reinventing, experimenting, and going way overboard. Then, we start to get older, and calm down a bit.

    There are obvious differences between the stoddens(scum) and Danny tanner, There is also the fact that one is a fictional character. Written for a family show on tv. The reality? Aunt Becky is going to prison.

    Grow up, get real.

  7. Coco nailed it. Stop acting like we all lived like the Brady Bunch. I was a teen in the '80s and me and my friends were doing drugs and fucking like rabbits.

  8. An 18 year old picking up a 16 year old isn't that odd to me lol. When I was in high school there were MANY couples with seniors dating freshman even, which is even more of an age difference. A lot of 18 year old boys have the same maturity levels as 15-16 year old girls, it's just the reality.

  9. But yes, the whole doing coke thing is bad lol
