Sunday, December 01, 2019

Blind Item #2

This supposedly disgraced director/producer who I told you was getting work under the table and hadn't really slowed down working, just without any credit, recently had a best blowjob contest were he and a few friends brought in a half dozen women and judged who was the best.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmm, but was the contest held under the table or .......

  3. Sounds like a fun night.

  4. Was princess sparkles there or was she too busy meeting with agency people?

  5. Weinstein. God what a sleaze. But unless the women were forced they’re not much better.

    I thought ratner was gay and into underage boys.

    1. Weinstein isn't a director, this is Ratner - who isn't gay.

  6. Definitely Weinstein ..I read somewhere yesterday that even though he has all these women coming forward its business as usual for him and im sure ..correct me if im wrong but him and his brother are making a new production company ..But then so many of the really famous women he slept with for them to get roles in movies still stand up for him and thank him for getting them as far as they are in Hollywood.. it baffles me .. but as much as you can say he used them I suppose some of these women feel they did the same for major movie roles ...

  7. yepthatsme said...
    Hmm, but was the contest held under the table or .......


  8. Ratner. 100% douchebag. How he dodged the metoo movement I have no clue. Hiding out and lurking down in Miami worked out for him I see. Wonder if he put Shayk on the casting couch for that car wreck of a movie he directed??

  9. Damn, that's a rough way to make a living.

  10. Is that how he first met Meghan Markle? Did he give out bit parts to the winner
