Friday, December 13, 2019

Blind Item #2

Some rumbling that if the disgraced royal is allowed to walk with the family on Christmas Day, that many others in the family will suddenly fall ill.


  1. Again, I have no idea who this could be.

  2. I have an inkling that "suicide" is in Andrew's future...

  3. They already did it to Diana.

  4. Suddenly fall ill?

    Because this band of welfare grifters suddenly has a collective conscience?

    1. Uhhhh you've never heard of people being poisoned?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. They don't want to damage their own brands. It's not a safe bet that the worst things have come out yet. Before they could claim they didn't know, but any new photos together not so much.

  7. Family is family. They will all show up. It may be the Queen's last.

  8. Wills and Kate will try to stay out of frame when Andrew is around.

    This was supposed to be George’s first year to join the walk, which would have been a nice distraction from Andrew’s troubles.

  9. Momo, this isn't family. This is The Family. Their top priority is survival of the House of Windsor. Andrew being a pedo is turning into one scandal they can't shake off. I won't be surprised if he'll be dead by June.

  10. @cheesegrater, We should start a pool for how he will "pass." I'm betting riding accident, but skiing accident and plane crash are also popular among the 1%. They'd better think of something otherwise there might not be a crown left to pass to William when it's his time.

  11. Not until his mother dies. Then all bets are off.

    I talk about Andrew and the Christmas walk in my latest blog post today. Click on my profile name or go to the blog post here.

  12. A lot of this, maybe all of it, is the Queen's fault.

    Where was the Queen all these years, while Andrew built up a suspicious fortune, that enabled him to buy a multi million dollar ski chalet, when he makes approximately 250 K per year?

    The day after Epstein "died", she deliberately let Andrew sit next to her in her car on the way to Church in Scotland, BOTH of them LAUGHING.

    More egregious, only a few days before the disastrous BBC interview with Andrew, the Queen deliberately again put Andrew in the front row, right next to the Prime Minister, and banished Harry and Meghan to the second row.

    She has the lions share of the blame for this entire situation. Being every bit as arrogant and entitled as he is (where do you think he got it from) she thought there would be no consequences for anything he did, and kept him right by her side or in the front on purpose.

    1. Agreed. Yet those bitching about me too never seem to get that those enabling are almost as bad as the perps. Sexist, morally vacant choads.

  13. @Studio54, Oh didn't you know, mothers are never to blame when their children turn out to be monsters. It's all the stork's fault. ;)

  14. Randy Andy better enjoy these last few holiday events with his mum. When she passes, he becomes Fredo, and Charles becomes Michael....

    1. One of Ma's last wishes will be to make it painless. He'll probably die of a "heart attack" in his sleep.

  15. Omg please let this be true

  16. The Markles banished to the second row? They should have been banished to the row closest to the back door, and the toilets.

  17. Hes not ‘allowed’ to do anything. Hes done. The royals sacrafice one for the better of all.

  18. Maybe Andrew will be the one to catch the sniffles....
