Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Blind Item #3

It is always startling when this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee gets new work done to his face. You get used to one thing and then he disappears for a month donating his DNA for cloning and then gets some work done to his face and he never even looks close to the previous version of himself.


  1. Cruise looks the same as always, though. Looks like he's put on a couple of pounds.

  2. @looloo...disagree. He is looking less like himself - which is sad because he would have aged nicely - like a miniature Marlboro man.

  3. people need to start realizing too many injections in the cheeks can give them piggy eyes.

  4. Shania was a hot mess for sure that night!

  5. Ok fillers, but the cloning?? Wtaf?

  6. Cruise needs to just stop the face fillers entirely. Just stop!

  7. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I think we're tired of knowing that he does plastics

  8. I don’t think he is. It’s called aging. The skin moves downward away from cheekbones creating more skin/fat in the lower face.

  9. Cruise was aging well. Getting over-filled isnt better. As my best friend once said, "These people dont look younger or better, they just look altered." I have to agree. And, catch the pillow cheeks too early or at the wrong angle, and they can be very funky!
    Also, was the cloning comment a joke? 😵

  10. Nic Cage?

    I saw an interview with him from the 90s, man was he attractive. His face has morphed so many times

  11. I don't get why Cruise want to get work done. Actors can age well and age UP in roles. May open a whole new can of opportunities for him instead of doing MI movies and re-cracking MAVERICK. He was serious once upon a time in BORN ON THE 4TH OF JULY. Let yourself age and start doing those heavier hitter roles that Sean Connery, Redford, Tommy Lee Jones etc do. Why fight it when you look ridiculous? Brad Pitt seems to be mostly embracing aging and it did wonders for Clooney to start to get rouger around the edges.

  12. Oh Clooney is rouger alright. ;p

  13. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Bruce transformed into Caitlyn. Tom is transforming into Joan Rivers.

  14. Cruise is just struggling in his human form.

  15. When did Cruise won an Oscar?!

    1. For when he played Grumpy, Doc and Dopey?

  16. cruise hasn't been hot since 'top gun.'

  17. The cloning bit is likely in reference to some belief held by that demented alien overload "church" that Cruise belongs to...

  18. 🎶She don't impress me much
    She's got the boobs
    But has she got the crotch?🎶

  19. Nic Cage face caught up with his liver.

  20. Happy Saturday., everyone:). The part in this post that gets me is the clone part....wth
