Friday, December 13, 2019

Blind Item #4

Apparently the former A- list dual threat actress who has not acted in a long time was holing up in a motel, wearing a blonde wig and calling herself Marie. 


  1. Schneider sure did a number on that one...

  2. Unless she's in hiding that's some dissociative sh!t right there.

  3. @Brayson - I think she's in hiding. I just read on the DM that she has left rehab or her group home or whatever.

  4. @Thia, I get the impression with her that the lights are on but no one is home.

  5. Amanda bynes...daily news has her in it for "fleeing" her sober living

  6. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I am very very sad for Amanda. Her so called "mother" is garbage.
    I am afraid she won't make it. Sending you love and light, honey. Don't let evil win, Amanda. Xxoooo

  7. Anonymous8:44 AM

    She's supposed to be staying with her parents according to news out today. Guess that didn't last long.

  8. Bless that poor child !

  9. poor kid got fucked by the system. sometimes the crazy ones make the most sense.

  10. That would be some kind of road trip. Take off, be someone else for a couple of weeks, go from state to state, then turn it into a book.

  11. Miss Mandy needs to get in touch. I love role play.

    1. This type of comment is precisely why I think you're auch a jerkoff. The constant obsessive need to say something vulgar in even the most inapppropriate cases.

    2. If you dont want to play with me Miss Mandy, that is fine. I am an adult.
      I have weathered the emotional storm of rejection before, i can withstand it again, but please dont fabricate reasons to do it. There is nothing vulgar in my comment, nor in my intentions. I only wish to bring some calm and pleasure into your life via the loving exchange of bodily fluids, while also making a fun game of it by play acting roles that let us escape the turmoil of reality. I have no idea how you could label such a beautiful experience as "vulgar" but maybe that shows we werent meant to be and i should focus my efforts towards a more appreciative damsel. If this is the end, tell you buttcheeks i will miss them and wish them well in their future endeavors.

  12. She's made it clear she feels her mother is moving to have her declared incompetent so her mother can take control of all her finances.

    Whether she's stable or not a broken clock is still right twice a day.

  13. I always laugh at Count but also I wish Amanda Bynes the absolute best and hope she will be ok.

    1. She just needs some weed and the safety of a caring gentleman's embrace.

  14. TRUST ME, Count Jerkula, you have your fans -- far more than the tiny fraction who bother to take the time to post a comment to say so - and I'm proud to be one.

    Vibrations of love and light have their place, mostly for our real world loved ones and for the real world's forgotten and ignored. This used up white bitch movie star? This is the internet and I am here to be entertained. You get on with your loving & lighting bodily fluids, C.J.!!!

    The ironic part is that, by bringing a genuine smile to my face, the Count actually did more selfless good in the world today than all of the pearl clutching value signalling fucks here put together. Love you, Count.
