Friday, December 06, 2019

Blind Item #4

This A- list reality star was sucking face and groping this B list celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities. This is three straight days of public affection. 


  1. What does “barely there” mean??

    1. @Clur not real celebs. The bread and butter of this site.

    2. Oh thanks pissoff. I thought it might mean so skinny they were barely there since it kept being used to refer to Hailey, Kendall, Hadids etc lol

  2. +1 Tricia

    Why can't PMK let their love be free?

  3. because shell make less money:(((

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Imagine the smells when these two are inflamed. A blind guy walking past would think it’s low tide at the house of the rising sun

  5. @Derp.

    Like Portavogie fish wharf on a hot July Saturday?

  6. Lots of videos of this. It seems Kendall is just getting it out-there now. That kitty tongue tatoo wasn't for nuthin!

  7. She probably knows she needs to come out before PMK can breed her with a rapper or athlete.

  8. It was some nice BONES ON BONES action!

  9. Good for them, fun times! I bet they're having a blast.

  10. I cannot stand Kendull Jenner. Looking at her, listening to her, seeing her incredulity when people find her entitled and vapid. At least Bella's money grubbing, lying mother started with a soul. Albeit gone. Kendull has Caitlyn Jenner as a father and she is a nothingburger run by the breeze. Krusty "Pimp Mom" Kris is an alien creating her own D-list cabal born withour a soul. Kendull 3 foot long belly-button is bigger than her nipples which she calls breasts. This is fine, but her body is ugly. Sure plenty of small/no breasted women are BEAUTIFUL. Just not her.

  11. @Sunkist, Are you actually giving someone sh!t for how their belly button looks? How is that not body shaming? As for her breasts, WTF? They look perfectly good, but would you be more satisfied if she had sloppy fake stripper t!ts?
    Sounds like you just hate skinny women.

    1. Are you actually concerned with body shamers now?
      That's rich. Perhaps u could wink your way into slamming the others here who are far more offensive. Otherwise STFU and SitTFdown

    2. Fat girl hate is real and gets worse as they age. I think she is perfect and good job with kybella to get rid of 2nd chin. She will come out in 2020

  12. Kendull already got set up with ben simmons by pmk. I think kris is just giving up and hopes it just doesnt go viral

  13. The pics looked like 2 praying mantises trying to copulate.

  14. Hollebecgirl, your gaining some cred with me. heh, heh.

  15. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Wait I'm confused.

    I thought Bella Hadid was Straight or is She Bi and just having fun ?
