Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Blind Item #5

This late night actor told a cashier at a coffee shop yesterday that they should go out together. They could "have fun." When asked about his current girlfriend, he said she was "no fun." He appeared to be using fun as a code word for sex. 


  1. I hope it's true that he and Kaia aren't having sex.

  2. If it's Butthole eyes then I'm going to guess the cashier had a chest so flat that you could play pool on it.

  3. @Flashy thanks for making me chuckle! I needed that, butt-hole eyes gets me every time. Happy holidays to you all! 🎄

  4. Pete could be pretty attractive if he didn't look like a grey skinned crackhead

  5. Pete looks like a tilapia

  6. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I hope it's true that the Gerber baby is not having relations with him. Ick. Yeah he would be okay if he wasn't a druggie. He's definitely got the big dick swagger. He's just not talented either. He's just lucky. I think people who just hit it lucky and know it in show business can be the most troubled. They know there are millions of people who would give anything for the chance they got. They don't even really know how they got it...just right place right time right dick right mouth etc.

  7. Colin Jost/ScarJo

  8. Pete Davidson needs kindness. Imagine the person you love most walked out the door and never came back, like his dad. Its tremendous pain that will never go away.

  9. Oh boohoo, @TheBPlot. I lost a parent at an early age. It was sudden, but because it was from natural causes, there was no hero worship from the media.

    Not everyone who loses a parent becomes a destructive, unfunny druggie

  10. +1 @ Don’t Mind Me. I too, lost my father at a very young age. Yes, 9/11 was horrible (I lived through it), but that event does not make the loss of a parent any worse than someone who has lost a parent due to other causes. Loss is loss and pain is pain no matter how your loved one has died.

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  12. @TheBPlot, many people go through tremendous pain and loss, but not everyone makes sure everyone else knows about it at all times. I guess reminding everyone of your troubles and threatening yourself is a good way to get people like you to look past things like addiction, using women in the limelight for personal gain, and a classic "wounded boy" move - hooking up with teenagers?

  13. he would be attractive if he wasn't so ugly and didn't have butthole eyes.

  14. yeah, some of us 'dine out' forever on our losses.

    I do have some sympathy for Yoko, Jackie, warriors and those involved in traumatic loss - been there.

    squirrelmistress, haha! and loved your nature pic!
