Saturday, December 21, 2019

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list "singer" has a feeling this will be another year she has to buy her own Christmas presents because her boyfriend never buys her anything.


  1. I'm surprised Brit and Sam are still together.

  2. Lol, love how pathetic this is.

  3. Not even Chocolates and Roses?

  4. It's a sure sign someone is with you for your money when they won't spend a dime of theirs on you.

  5. Taylor?

    Brit's daddy may give the boy toy shopping money.


  6. Britney. That POS user only wants her for her money ;(

  7. Brit's dad got his injunction against the #FreeBritney guy.

  8. She totally confided this to Enty

  9. Welcome to being a relationship with a straight, white man

  10. @Rosie-- I'm with you on this. A lot of Enty's Britney posts imply that Sam is a "paid" boyfriend. If so, her dad would be in charge of the gift purchase. In fact, Dad is in charge of her funds so while living with Brit means quite the lifestyle but the point of the conservatorship is to prevent Brit from being taken advantage of. (and blah, blah, blah to those who say her dad is taking advantage of her. The actions of the conservator are CLOSELY monitored by the court,)

  11. Why don't you impress everyone and really tell the truth about the deception and how these presumed women are actually men?

  12. So sad for her. To be in conservatorship all these years, she is really mentally ill. Sad thing is, the people who made her that way still run her life

  13. Wouldn't it be court record if her dad, who is deemed in charge in the liberalist state in the US, was paying for bf to be her bf. I understand an allowance and being generous, but, I have a hard time believing any judge would think a paid boyfriend is in a mentally ill defendant's best interest. It borders on prostitution.

    I love Britney, but, her dad/ judge know more of her mental illness that we will ever know. Sad and hard all around.

  14. Britney. Poor girl has to buy everything for everyone including the ex-husband and his new wife that lives of Britney as well.

  15. too bad she cant buy herself a boyfriend who will buy her presents

  16. Mental illness like schizophrenia is not "caused by someone" as far as I know. Yes, they want to be Free free free and they end up sleeping in doorways, talking to themselves.
