Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list actor who doesn't really act any longer has been super creepy as of late. Even more so than normal. He has been sharing photos of his daughters wearing bikinis and keeps saying how perfect they look. 


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Jack Nicholson

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  3. There’s a reason why Polanski molested a 13 year old in Nicholson’s home and Nicholson’s ex wife moved the girls out of his home when they were young.

  4. Bruce Willis? I guess he's not A list, or is he?
    Is the list posted somewhere?!

    Anyway, I recall some recent photos of family pool time, with the girls romping in bikinis, and draping
    themselves over Bruno.
    Struck me as a bit creepy, but maybe just Hollyweird.

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Incest is almost a prerequisite for entry into Hollywood fame and fortune.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wouldn't Nicholson's daughters mostly be, like, really old now?

  8. Old ladies can still look perfect in bikinis, don't you know.

  9. I've heard that Nicholson and Polanski were buddies for a reason. I'm frankly shocked that some very, very dark metoo stories haven't come out about him and I don't think for a second that they're not there.

    And he does have daughters... though the youngest is 29.

  10. Yeah I was gonna say Nicholson's daughter Lorraine is 29, and another one is in her late 30's U think.

  11. Jack Nicholson had stayed with a friend of mine once, and beforehand, he'd left a message asking if they're were any young girls he could f**k. Don't know how young, but it was creepy listening to an old man asking about young girls..

  12. surely nicholson is A+

  13. wasn't there old pics floating around with nicholson and his ex wife angelica huston with some teenage girls half dressed?

  14. Willis- very creepy photos
    Just like they use to pose with Kutcher when he “ was daddy”
    How old was Aaron Carter when Willis was grooming him- about 15?
    Funny how all the kids around him have ended up emotional messes
