Friday, December 27, 2019

Blind Item #7

This A+ list mostly movie actor moved in to his wife's family home when they got married. He wants to install a gun range. A gun range that adjoins a playground of the apartment building next door. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.


  1. Something about Christians and guns.

    1. Or maybe he's a jew and the playground full of arab kids doesn't it fit better?

  2. If you are an A+ movie actor, why would you need to move into someone else's home? Although I guess the Kennedy compound would make Pratt a good guess.

    O/T, I just learned from the Stern Show's Twitter feed that Snoop Dogg employs someone full time *JUST* to roll his blunts. And pays him $50K a year to do it. The things you learn from Twitter.

  3. Do you know what else adjoins that playground? A bathroom! Raw sewage will be flowing near and under it!

    Seriously, if an indoor range is properly installed, there is no danger to anyone.

  4. Perhaps it's an indoor pistol range, maybe in a basement or something.

  5. Typical Republican trash.

  6. ^Typical partisan hack

  7. Nobody really liked Chris Pratt until he did Guardians of the Galaxy. Before he was a DLIST butterball on Parks and Recreation. He needs to go away. He's nothing special.

  8. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Chris Pratt.
    Sounds like a prepper. Good luck with this guy.
    Love and compassion will change the world

  9. Yay.....bring home a Olympic Gold Medal!!!

  10. I thought Chris Pratt had a 300 acre farm or something. Go shoot guns there.

  11. I used to shoot in a range built under a guy’s driveway in a residential neighborhood. You could not hear it from outside and if you didn’t know the guy had it, you would just think he was a popular guy.

  12. Pulling a little lever and then seeing some animal far away from me blown to bits... gets me soooo excited...


  13. It's the MILLIONS of good people with guns who are going you to save you dumb ass's when the time comes.

  14. @cheesegrater, Christians have a long history of being persecuted for their beliefs, probably how a bunch of them ended up in North America. So yeah, self-defense can be a priority.

    1. @Brayson87

      Thank you for this. It’s nice to know people paid attention in elementary school and have critical thinking skills.

    2. Not quite... Protestants in Catholic countries...

  15. So Christian shaming is ok now?

    1. As it should be since the fucking crusades

  16. @J, You do know that gun ranges don't use animals, right? It's all targets.

  17. How did this go from installing a gun range near a school to Christian bashing. How asinine. My S & W friend is a there to give me a fighting chance when it's 3 am and some fucker wants to kill me and my family in my home. Millions of American gun owners feel the same.

  18. Brayson, if gun nuts only wanted to feel the adrenalin surge caused by shooting up pieces of paper, that would still be pretty damned weird.

  19. All Americans, black,white,gay,straight,Christian,Jewish are protected by their 2nd Amendment rights.

    If you don’t want to own a gun, fine by me,

    But I will not allow ANY of you to be loaded onto a cattle car for how you live or who you love.

  20. @J I own several guns. Never hunted. Never joined the NRA. I am a lapsed Catholic. My cams lit up my phone Christmas morning around 12:30. Two individuals on my property. Started casing the detached garage at the back of my property where our Harleys are stored. Called 911, grabbed my 11-87 semi-automatic Remington, hit the mike on the spots, lit them up, racked the shotgun so they could hear it, told them they better hope NPD got them before I got out the door. Then set off all the outdoor alarms. Got great video with clear resolution and just waiting on their arrests. They looked like Eddie Murphy doing Buckwheat. Big grandma is going to have to throw those drawers away. This is why I own guns. When my neighbor texted me WTF? He told me call him, if there is a next time, and he would release his Cane Corsos.

  21. I get that certain people feel the need to own guns. I expect to acquire a gun or two myself in 2020.

    However that's not the same as wanting a shooting range in my house, or hunting for fun like fucking Dick Cheney and Trump's numbnutted sons enjoy doing.

    Weekittylass, that's an interesting story. I'm glad you're ok.

  22. Thanks J. This is not the first time I or the DH have been in a situation where a gun has been drawn to protect myself or loved ones.

  23. @J, Think of it like a swimming pool. Sure you can go to a public pool or even a member's only pool. But isn't it nicer just to have your own pool?

    You're going to need to practice or at least check the sights, and for that you'll need a range or at least somewhere outdoors.

  24. @Weekitylass... I am
    Happy to know you avoided tragedy. Anyone that says you are “wrong” (or the plethora of other words they use which add to nothing ) for protecting you and your family’s life-clearly doesn’t have one to protect.

  25. Now see an optimist would have thought it was Santa out by the garage and brought them milk and cookies. 🎅😅
    A realist would have done just as Weekitty.
    A pessimist would have wondered what kind of charges or lawsuits they'd face for traumatizing the trespassers and also infringing upon their civil rights to commit burglary and/or rape and murder.😔

    It really depends on what state you live in.

  26. @Weekitty, Good Job!

  27. Weekitty, I used to have a Hmong family next door. I had a car break-in out back. My neighbor apologized to me for not being out on his enclosed back porch when it happened. He told me he would be there the next time, and that he had already adjusted his rifle scope for the distance. Sadly they moved. It's nice to have good neighbors.

  28. @J. Thanks for the thought, but I don't need saving. I don't have a problem with you. I know you can be very witty, and your probably an intelligent guy, tho I think a bit misguided at times. It's ok to not agree with everything or have a different opinion. I have a ranch/farm with a lot of livestock on it and many very large predators roaming around. When one comes in to go after the stock, and doesn't take warning shots seriously, it will be shot. It doesn't give me an adrenaline rush, I hate to have to do that, but I will protect the stock and my family, always. I'd protect you too. Blessings.

  29. Good for them.

    Gun control means hitting what you aimed for when you pulled the trigger.

  30. Ok, LaurenMaye. Peace.

  31. Chris Pratt is not A+

  32. Population control. Survival of the fittest.

  33. Anonymous3:17 AM

    I find you a sad, low vibration individual..... with your military style lingo and aggressive stance over your 'Harleys'.
    "Turned up my mikes! Revved up my shotgun! Cool, cool Me!!!
    My neighbors would also shoot em up.....aren't they the BEST??"
    No, darling. You aren't cool. A weapon and thousands in cameras mounted on your walls, this doesn't make you cool.
    What do you do if a coyote or fox wanders by? Fire up and shoot?
    "Turn up the mikes", and scream at some wandering animal?????
    Try some love and compassion. Also, psychological counseling.

  34. Finally catching up, but this thread gives me hope for the future of the country (US) for the most part.

  35. I hate the term "christian". Weirdos who think they are following Christ's word, but aren't even in the church he founded. As insane as seeing a Jew eat a bacon cheeseburger or an Amish driving a Tesla. I guess they identify as followers of Christ, and that is enough.

  36. The US obsession with owning a fucking firearm is insane to me. Appreciate the self defense argument, but people owning guns isn’t fuckkng normal outside of The States. Truly mental.

    Claiming Christians are being persecuted is pretty much in line with claiming white men have it tough 😂🥴

  37. so what? there are gun ranges in urban areas all the time.. they just have to be built a certain way to prevent any stray bullets
