Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood

The son of this deceased actor who was A/A+ at his peak wrote a book a few years ago that exposed his father , who had a relatively clean cut image during his time, as an alcoholic and serial womanizer who slept with hundreds of women many of them famous co-stars.  He kept detailed diaries on all of his conquests.

But even more interesting was the revelation that this actor installed a home taping system in his house due to paranoia about his first wife. He taped all of his phone calls.  Of course, a lot of the people involved in these phone calls are famous.  The son does not go into detail what kinds of conversation are on the tapes but has talked privately about one person in particular.

This deceased person was B/B- as an actor but later had a different career in which he was A++.  On the tapes, he says a number of things which would be damaging to his posthumous reputation if they ever came out.  For one thing, he jokes and brags about sex with teenage girls.  For another, he uses bigoted slurs to describe African-American and Jewish people.  


  1. B/B- actor Ronald Reagan?

  2. Replies
    1. Errol Flynn's son disappeared along time ago in a jungle somewhere in Asia.

  3. And Ronald Reagan?

  4. That's Amore: A Son Remembers Dean Martin by Ricci Martin as the book?

    1. In that case Frank Sinatra for B list actor later A++ singer?

  5. Flynn and Reagan were friends who made “The Sante Fe Trail” together in 1940

  6. Bing Crosby for the deceased father.
    Ronald Reagan for the B/B actor.

  7. Ronald Reagan, rapist and racist.

  8. Well the mystery of how Reagan became President has now been solved. They had him blackmailed.

  9. idk if it would ruin reagan's reputation all that much. the left already hate him and the right are fine with the *current* president saying racist things and being accused of sexual assault by more women that cosby

  10. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Who fucking cares?

    “Oh he said “n*gger or kyke” back in the 50’s. They all did.

    And kyke shit is disgusting. Literally almost every big pedo in Hollywood is one. And I have dated a few so if you call me an antisemite you are delusional.

  11. Reagan for the A++ Lister, but I'm not sure how damaging they would be. He was a known racist.

  12. I heard crazy shit about RR and was it Bloomingdale? All I need to know about him is he was a fucking informant. That's where his career was made. The rest was insurance.

  13. Not *all* people used slurs, then or now. People who say this say this to defend themselves.

    As far as the"But some of my best friends are/but I dated people who were.." GTFO with the racist 'logic'.

    1. Ohhh it's the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" defense.

  14. Jack Lemon / Frank Sinatra

  15. YoSoyMilk, you're a dumbfuck. No delusion there.

  16. It's no secret Reagan was racist.

  17. @YoSoyMilk: Totally agree. This reader blind gets a big MEH.

  18. I am totally Baby Yoda holding a cup and watching at this moment. ;)

  19. Didn't Flynn supposedly rape a girl? I've heard some awful things about him.

    Second one is probably Reagan.

  20. Gary Crosby wrote a book about his father, exposing alcohol abuse and affairs. But he's been dead since 1995.

  21. None of this surprises me about Ronald Reagan. Many authors have written about his bigotry.

    The son needs to release the tapes.

  22. wow, it was just a few short years ago, ronnie was a saint. absolutely worshiped and adored by republicans and brought up at every opportunity----they were literally known as 'the party of reagan.'

    now under the new regime, he must be destroyed because they know he would be absolutely horrified by the current state of affairs. and so it begins.

  23. Republicans still think Reagan is a saint.

    There's no acknowledgement whatsoever that his debt policies are the ones which started America's rapid and unstoppable decline into bankruptcy.

    Oh, and selling arms to our sworn enemies in Iran. That was a doozy.

  24. This is Glenn Ford's son who wrote the book. I'm reading it now.

  25. HA HA HA leftist nut jobs. There is a reason why he was re-elected by winning 49 states

  26. Great job Christine, sounds like an interesting read:

    The first mention of any affair in Peter Ford's book is on page 62, the first mention of Ford's alcoholism is on page 120 and the first mention of his secret phone taping system is on page 129.

  27. Christine is correct, it is Peter Ford's book about his father and Glenn's affairs with Rita Hayworth, Hope Lange, etc. Although, I don't think Ford installed the taping system due to paranoia about his first wife. Eleanor Powell was an extremely religious woman, Ford cheated on her, not the reverse.

  28. Glenn Ford for the taper. His son wrote a book about it in 2012 or so.

  29. @Gen, Can you point out an ethnicity that isn't?

  30. Ferchrissakes, Errol Flynn only had one son, a photojournalist who died back in 1970 and did NOT write a biography of his father. Sean Flynn was Errol's son with his first wife, and barely knew his father. Errol Flynn himself wrote a racy autobiography, so it's not like anyone would be startled by a tell-all written by somebody else.

    I know some of you have the knives out for Reagan or any other politician with an (R) behind his name, but get a grip.

  31. Pfff. In the 40s and 50s those slurs were socially acceptable.

    In 10-20yrs all the labels currently politically correct to use for various peoples are going to be rejected and deemed hate speech by the next generation.

    Should have never given blacks a word. That was the moment society jumped the shark and devolved into the attention seeking cancel culture we are currently mired in. Appeasement never works. Dig up Chamberlain and ask if the Nazis were satisfied w/ Czechoslovakia. And that poor bastard only had one lunatic to deal with, nowadays anyone bored or attention starved enough can create their own category and start making demands.

    1. Racial, ethnic and sexual slurs were never socially acceptable. Well, except in your family and other families like yours. People outside your social experience learn good manners and act accordingly. It's your lower class upbringing darling. Not anybody elses.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Flynn was into young teens. His autobiography 'My, Wicked, Wicked Ways' makes no bones about what he liked. When he was a young man, he adventured in jungles around OZ and was given young woman by chieftains. Hence his appetite.

  34. FBI knew sinatra was a pedo

    he trafficked children who performed "unnatural sex acts"

  35. Glenn Ford is the actor, who was married to Eleanor Powell. Their son has written a book that just came out, talking about Glenn's diaries of conquests.
