Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 5, 2019

Apparently the permanent A++ list celebrity thinks throwing a name on a documentary is going to somehow makeup for the multiple decades she was friends with the guy while he was doing all these things to women. She knew it was going on just like she knew about the disgraced producer and so many more.

Oprah Winfrey/Russell Simmons/Harvey Weinstein


  1. And the award for the biggest hypocrite of all time goes to ...

  2. My BOO - Big Ol' Oprah

  3. "And the award for the biggest hypocrite of all time goes to ..."

    Based on what, a blind item? LOL. Nice of you to attack someone with no evidence. Are the butthurt Michael Jackson fans still pissed at Oprah? If you are a fan of a child predator you have no room to judge others

  4. if you are a fan of oprah then that says all i need to know about you.

  5. Once you get that rich, all your wealthy friends are creeps.

  6. All Simmons is trying to do is "black shame" Oprah. She was right to call out Simmons and Jacko. She should do the same for Weinstein and other white pervs in the Entertainment industry.

  7. "other white pervs" "white pervs" don't have mossad agents running around planting evidence on his victims.

  8. Exacty, Thot Crimes. Ol Orca doesn’t want to mess with Mossad and the Chosenites. I wonder what blackmail they’ve got on her? That school in Africa, is probably part of it. It would be really awesome if people could stop confusing whites with Jews though.

  9. Apparently Cynthia Bailey from RHOA used to date Russell way back when. I wonder if he has ever paid her off to say nice things or if she would ever spill her guts on him? I'm sure she would but then take the $ if he flashed it at her.

  10. @Florence Harding: Orca Winfrey is friends with David Geffen who is friends with Les Wexner who WAS friends with Jeff Epstein. See how that works? It's in the entertainment news on a daily basis.

  11. @Florence Harding There is a mountain of evidence. Oprah has had business dealings for many years with Harvey and there is an abundance of pictures of her with him. Google it. She has even been accused of baiting women for Harvey.

  12. Dear Prudence, so maybe the whole "backstory" of Oprah's life is a rash of horseshit? She sure didn't get ahead because of her looks. And she really doesn't strike me as a great journalist. But she gets a lot of famous people on her shows. It all makes sense now.
