Thursday, December 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 8, 2019

This A/A- list female rapper has definitely got her side hustle going and is earning a whole lot of fees for things other than singing while out of the country. She is being paid in diamonds which she won't declare.

Cardi B


  1. I hope she's getting shit on...

  2. Who the fuck would give her diamonds?

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The IRS knows. Ask Wesley Snipes.

  4. She was Nigeria I believe, poop is a Saudi trait mostly.

  5. @J
    Someone with a decent lab that can grow perfect ones for dirt cheap?

  6. Oh Retardi B, never change. The last thing you wanna do is fuck with the IRS! Like the saying goes “don’t steal, the government hates competition”.

  7. Does Miss Cardi ever think about her child? Like, ever?? When she sends some goon to perform her beatdowns in sleazy bars, is that poor toddler in her thoughts? How about standing in front of a judge being arraigned on a felony?

    Well, if Mama goes to jail, someone can rename her baby from Kulture to Emily. So, there's that.

    Kulture!! Saints preserve us!

  8. Haha, most diamonds are worthless, hope she has someone checking her stones.

  9. At least she's no longer picking up strip club customers by promising sex, then drugging and robbing them.
