Thursday, December 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 15, 2019

This A/B+ list television actress from a superhero show has made a lot of enemies on that show. They have been trying to get her fired for years. Unable to do so, they decided to cause her a bunch of public shame. Their plan succeeded. With the help of other actors and actresses who film in the area, they now have the world calling her a homewrecker and mistress.

Candice Patton/The Flash


  1. It's all campy sh!t on CW now.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I actually recognize this girl. So who's marriage did she supposedly tank?

  3. @cheese, An actress on Flash that supposedly they wanted to fire but she'd been smart and documented a lot of sick sh!t that people involved with the show had gotten up to. So she stays.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Google is my friend. NBA star JR Smith his wife called out Candace as a homewrecker. They've been married since 2016 and already have four children. JR Smith went on IG and called out his wife for misleading people confirming they had been separated before he started dating Candice. Who knows the truth but sounds like Candace won that round too.

  5. Please...Patton and her New guy are not low key.They posted and comment on their own IG

  6. So what did she do to get everyone to hate her? or is she just a b*tch to everyone?

    She's gonna need to be a WAG if screws her career up.

  7. @Andi, Different stories from different sides over the years. Sometimes she's the hero, sometimes she's the villain. There have been worse blinds about other people on the show, but who knows? It's funny if you look up co-stars addressing any controversy, you'd think they'd teach people how to lie better in acting school.

  8. the cast is very racist
