Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 22, 2019

This late night actor says he is unplugged. Nope. He just does it under different fake accounts. He is obsessed with Google Alerts about himself or anyone he has dated.

Pete Davidson


  1. He's also lit most everytime I see a picture of him too.

  2. Bet he freaked out when Kate Beckinsale put up her most recent pics.

  3. Can someone get this man some fentanyl stat!

  4. Leave him alone. Call me Pete😍πŸ€ͺ

    1. Ok...Auntie Pete.

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  5. What I want to know is why Cindy/Randy thought it was a good idea to have Kaia date this loser? Who will no doubt be hooking her up with drugs. Kaia appears to be a good kid. Malnourished, but a good kid not affected by her parents being celebrities. IF Cindy is living thru Kaia now why would she let Pete dirty up her daughter? He must be blackmailing them, what else could it be? For his good looks and charm? Yeah, no.

  6. I would not let him near my daughter, and if she chose to go that way I would tell her to GTFO of my house. Seriously. That's the end of the gravy train. He is toxic literally and figuratively.

    I don't wish ill on him, I just wouldn't let him near my daughter. Especially not 18 year old can't even drink daughter. Like I said, if you are a big girl, go your own way with him but no turning back with your warts and bad habits and god knows may as well call Jim Carey

  7. Boo - Enty said Kaia is heavy into Adderall, so I think it's a little more than being "malnourished".

  8. Most everyone freaked out at Kate's new bikini pics. Just wait for the blind here about how they tripled her yachting rates. I also saw a pic of her new b\f today and he just be worth billions because he looks like a total dweeb.

  9. @Sandy, the human frog who was with Kate in those pics is her new b/f? Cant be!

  10. Don't they all do that? Hide under phony accounts and claim they're not on social media.

  11. There's a blind about her over on Blind Gossip. I'm wondering if the recent glamour shots are in response to Michael Sheen's 25 yr old GF giving birth.

  12. That's what they described him as.

  13. It annoys me that he and SNL are both seemingly in love with his celebrity status. Colin is engaged to ScarJo, but it isnt referenced every episode. Yet, it's almost a novelty for Pete to be in a sketch as something other than Pete anymore. And, his News bits always seem to include references to his personal life. There have been loads of enormous stars to emerge from this show, but how many of them actually had their personal lives addressed during episodes? Perhaps I'm wrong, or perhaps those moments were completely unmemorable, which could be a take away lesson in itself.

  14. Supposedly Cindy set up the whole Kaia/Pete ‘relationship’. He is gross. And so not funny.

  15. @yepthatsme, I did some digging on the human frog who is with Kate Beckinsale in those pictures. He is Jonathan Voluck (Executive Assistant to SVP of Drama Development in Paramount Television at Paramount Pictures). I hope he is not her boyfriend.

  16. I called Pete Davidson a crackhead in a FB post where he looks like a pale sweaty skeleton and he's walking with a glam Kate B.

    SOOOOO many of my friends came to his defense because they know him casually. It annoyed the fuck out of me.

  17. I wonder if he has alerts set for "Butthole Eyes."

  18. He looks like he has AIDS.

  19. @hunter, F*cking name droppers are the worst sycophants.

  20. @ Vita - I think that Lorne Michaels keeps Pete around and visible because he thinks Pete makes SNL “edgy”.

  21. Do you think Pissholes-In-The-Snow Eyes Pete is reading this?
    Well you listen here cockwomble!
    You have ruined my future relationship with Ms Beckinsale, or Kate as I like to call her.
    I cannot even imagine wanting to even take her bra off now after you've had your grubby little hands on her
    Plus you have now ruined her for mere mortal men like me
    And my willy won't touch the sides.

  22. @Unknown,1:06, for a second there I thought you were Himmmm talking.

  23. Mango--You may very well be right, and what an odd change of events from history for that show that would be.

  24. He looks like a corpse.

  25. I mean I’d say Kate Beckinsale is thirstier that Petey. She’s clearly gorgeous, but man she’s in love with herself. Sunglasses to the airport at nighttime anyone. I wish she’d focus more on acting classes, because then she’d maybe stand a chance of being more than mediocre.

    As for Kaia and Cindy....both thirsty AF too. Cindy’s pushed that kid into her career from an early age. I have no sympathy.

  26. Aren't the chicks he's connected with either trying to make the leap from child performer to adult or just trying to stay relevant?

  27. hes not funny and he's super ugly
